Does anyone own or have any reports on Carson trailers? I am looking at buying a Carson 7K tandem axle car hauler and was looking for people w/experience with them. Are they good, bad, ok? Thanks Harley
Not what you are looking for, but I have a small 6x10 single axle Carson for dump runs, ATV's, etc.. No problems whatsoever. Quality built trailer IMO.
Harley, did you buy one yet? I know of 2 people here locally that have Carson trailers, one similar to what you described. Seems to work "OK" for what he uses it for. Where are you located, I could possibly set you up with one of these.
Sorry, I already bought a Carson a few weeks ago. I needed it ASAP so I went with what was available which was the Carson. Sofar I am very pleased with it. It pulls well even with a truck on it that puts it right at its 7K rating. Harley
I own an 18 ft, tandem axle, 7500 lb gross rated Carson trailer. It tows and backs very well. However, I am not very pleased with the tubular steel it was built with as it results in some rust showing thru. Also, the tires were not all the same (i.e different ply ratings). But, again, it does tow well with 4000 lb John Deere 1956 model 420.