What the take on power pups? I have a chanse to pick one up(300$) and wanted to know what eveyone thinks of them? I would like to have an edge or TST but the money is just not there right now,I'm mainly looking for mileage not that a little more power would'nt be nice,my 04.5 TC just dose'nt get the MPG that I think it should 13-14 around town and 16-17(light) on the road-33K mi on the rig. I would like to see 19 but.... Hoghead 04.5 3500, srw, 4x4, opened up air box,exaust by Walker tube otherwise stock.
I have the bully dog and it works well in my truck. I keep in performance mode and get an average of 19.5 per gal. the performance is great
i have one also you definatly notice a power gain...and slight increase in mpg if you drive in a normal manner. and i get around 18 mpg in extreme mode130 x-tra hp.
thats a great price but for 80$ more you can get lots more power and a hand held scaner and a speed limiter remover and free downloads for up grades. I hade the triple dog and now i have the preatior and I love it. http://www.thoroughbreddiesel.com/diablo/predator-powerpuck-combo.htm
The predator is an excellent tuner as well. The Power Pup is sort getting phased out for the Triple Dog. I think you can use either one and be happy. I have lots of customers using both and haven't heard too much negative from either side.
Thanks for the help guys.I think I'm going to buy it and see what it will do for me.The extra power will be great -if it does what Bullydog claims-and if it will bring my MPG up to at least 18-19 I will be happy for now.But then the only substitute for power is....more power!!
one thing i got a kick out of when i first got mine and still do is how you can smoke out a few lanes of cars when ya romp it, youll get soem looks lol
well dont get me rong Smoke is nice but ifyou trying to get the best mpg then the more you smoke the more you wast. that one of the things i did not like about thr B/D it smoked all the time.
oh ya i know the black smoke is alot unburnt fuel, it doesnt bother me and my b/d doesnt smoke all the time jsut when you romp it drivin normaly it doesnt
I have the triple dog and love it, mine has the crazy larry setting on it, and that one is quite awesome. lots and lotsa black smoke! i even took a video of a 3rd gear mash!
Yup, looking forward to getting mine in the mail... opcorn: That Diablo combo sure is cheap though, gotta wonder how come?
well I have it and it has done rte my me. and i got my Army Bud hooked up with one from Diesel up.com Danial hoooooked Him up.
I think yuel love it . just be carfuel where you put that switch. my wife broke the switch with here knee . they sent me a new one over nte no questions asked.