Well over time I'll get a veriety but for the moment only have so much to spend. Looking for a good lengh and size to have. Cargo would be vehicles. Mainly my 98 1/2 ton truck at the moment. I think it weights 5000lbs last time I scaled it. Currently I'm thinking 4 chains with binders. Crossing front and rear, drivers side to pass side and pass to drivers. Now I've seen both methods. Some people load the suspention down and others tie down the unsprung parts so the suspention does whatever it wants. Tow trucks and car haulers seem to load down the suspention. Is that the better and proper way?? Anyone with a pic of similar vehicle loaded? Where did you tie up to the truck? There are holes in certain places. Thanks for all the help!!!
i normally use 2 chains: one around the real axle through the D rings and together, then i drive forward to tighten that one front depends on the vehicle, but on my van i go in the A arms cross and use a binder i use 3/8 chain 20-25'
I personally use straps, mainly because they are cheaper and easier to handle. I cross them like you stated, both front and rear. I have used both methods, strapping the axles only, and strapping down the suspension. I personally like going to the axles. It holds the vehicle alot tighter and does not loosen up as it being driven. When I was strapping to the chassis, and compressing the suspension, the suspension would settle down after going through rough road sections, and I'd have to stop and retighten. I would have to do this every 75-100 miles. When I started going to the axles, I have gone 400+ miles without them needing to be tightened.
those of you that cross your chains and or straps read this, lots of good info here http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=534903
I got confused as I went through those posts on Pirate. They never seem to get along there. I did read straps stretch, using a cheater pipe on a binder isn't good, never found out if loading the suspention down is better than securing the axle and front control arms. :doah:
securing the axles and or control arms is better then securing to the frame, because unless you have the suspension compressed to the bumpstops that vehical can move and lossen the strap/chain also do not cross the straps/chains when tieing down i personally use straps, if you keep them clean and in good working order, you just need to be smart when using them to keep them from getting cut i have never had a strap loosen on me
Why is using a cheater pipe with a binder bad? We use one chain for the front of our backhoe, then back up to tighten it up, and then put a binder on the rear chain and use a piece of pipe to tighten it.
Chain on each corner. By what I've read in DOT regs. anything over 10,000 pounds has to have one tie-down per corner of proper rating. To make the boys in blue happy.
I don't really know. I've used a pipe before but in that pirate thread someone said they arn't made to use a cheater pipe on and that reduces their life and goes beyond their rated capacity.