Put my S&B and Bully Dog in last weekend. The S&B is great, installation was a breeze and it sounds great, way louder than stock but not obnoxious. The box is only supported at the rear, I think it might bounce around a little so I'll be adding a support bracket in front soon. As for the BD Triple Dog, all I can say is Holy Moly!! What a difference, never thought a 8000 pound truck could have that 'push you back into the seats' feeling like my old big block Chevelles!! Today was the first day with no rain in a long time (like 22 days) and I got to try out extreme on dry roads, man what a rush! Soon as the turbo winds up the thing takes off!! Maybe the other BDTD owners out there can tell me if 'extreme' will slip my original clutch? I think that's as far as I'll ever go, but then again I also said I'd leave it all stock till the warranty is up! I think Crazy Larry would fry the clutch for sure. Never thougfht a big ole diesel truck could do what this thing does. Makes me wonder though, every year GM, Dodge and Ford practically compete for who has the most HP, the most torque. If all it takes is a little 'tweaking' to the computer, why don't they come with a little more oomph from the factory? Emmisions I'm guessing¿ Apparently I can call BD to get a passwoed to allow me to get into the "torque management options", can any of you BD guys tell me something about this, what it does, how it works etc? Also, is there no way to adjust for tire size? (thinking of trying 315's on H2's) With help from this place I enabled my hi idle by grounding pin 22 of the ecm, got my fogs on with the highs, adjusted my accesory delay, got rid of the seatbelt warning etc, so far I'm a very happy Bully Dogger!!
Yeah, if you notice the extra smoke rolling out that would be a good guess, that and the extra stress on the tranny/clutch.