I just thought I would throw this out there. I know alot of guys question the ability to tow AND pull good numbers. As everyone has heard, yes it can be done IF your truck is set up right. Well, I hooked the 06 up to my 5th wheel (2002 Carriage F27RKS) and drove from Sacramento, CA to Roseburg, OR, then on to Richland, WA this week. How did it perform? Towed better than I ever expected. Here's the set up - 2006 4x4 QC Long bed BD Twins TST Smarty 100hp injectors II Stage 2 CP3 FASS 150/200 45psi Suncoast Race trans (#5, waiting for #6, I'll explain in a minute) Truck - wieghs 7300 with 1/4 tank of fuel, no spare tire, and nothing in the cab but me. Loaded down the tool box with enough tools to drop the rear suspension an inch! I would guess truck was in the 9k range. ALso riding on 315's with 3.73 gears. Trailer - 28ft Carriage Cameo with 2 slides, loaded with full load of water, stuff for work, food for a month, and everything the Diesel dog needs to hang with his daddy, weighs just over 13k, and is 12'6" tall! Power Settings - Smarty - SW#4 - 90hp without timing TST - 2/3 Remember this truck has 100hp injectors! On 5-7% grades going up north of Redding into Oregon and into Roseburg, in OD I saw a high temp of 1200-1220* on the TST gauge @ about 24psi of boost. I did have some smoke trailing off, but at those EGT's it sure wasn't a concern. This is with the cruise set at 65, and I NEVER scrubbed any speed. RPMS where right in the 1600 range. Just lugged all the way up the hills, never got over 200* on coolant. These grades can last as long as 7 miles! Just for grins, I decided to pull it out of OD on a hill and see how it did. RPMs came up to about 2400, boost went to 30psi, and EGTs went to 950*!! Zero smoke under throttle. Only problem on the road was the Transmission. So, going up the Dunsmur grade, the front clutches slip and weld up. Truck has no Nuetral or reverse (great for parking 5th wheels!). I did manage to continue the trip all the way to Richland, and the transmission did not hinder performance at all. Just had to plan ahead to stay out of situations where I would have to back up. We have been fighting a front clutch issue for some time now. They just won't stay together. So, under warranty, with a bit of persuasion on my end, Suncoast is shipping me a WHOLE NEW unit. They finally agree with me that there is something up with this one, and the front clutches are bleeding off pressure. We'll see how that works out in about a week or so. Bottom line here - the twins and the right progams on the boxes make it very possible to tow pretty heavy wieghts with quite a lot of power. Mileage was reasonable I think for the driving I was doing. Between Corning, CA and Coburg, OR, where the majority of the big hills were, I averaged 11.3 mpg, keeping the speedo set at 63-65mph most of the time, only slowing when some dingleberry was drivng to slow and I couldn't pass em. I have been saying for ever that BD has put together a DARNED nice set of turbos, and I think this is a great way to show what they are capable of. Look at my mods, and you'll see there is some power there. If you want to truely use you truck for both worlds, twins are the only option, unless someone can provide some input on comperable performance with a single? Anbody have something to add? Questions?
Wish I had one of mee pulling a hill. Kinda hard to take a pic while driving!rotfl Other than that, truck looks the same, but I suspect it'll be a little faster at the track this year. BTW - last year my 12.5 run was made with the TST @ 3/2 and the flashpaq. With me towing and the Smarty and the TST on 2/3, I see big things coming this season with drag racing! Great Turbos BD!
Thats good stuff, Looking forward to hearing about some sub 12 sec times I hope! I like those EGT #'s.
If I can pull of some 11's, I'll be pretty stoked! I want to hit 11's. As for EGT's, yes, I was more than impressed witht he way it pulled. I bet half the members here can't stay that cool with a stock truck and turbo. And look at the power I am running!!!
The feedback is much appreciated Diesel Nut, we have been trying to explain to our customers for years that the twins are not only for the racers, the towing market can greatly benefit from the BD twins! Thanks Again! waytogo
Somewhere in the 700+ range I think. Last dyno was May Madness last Spring and I made 600. Since then I have added the stage 2 CP3, bigger FASS, and Smarty. . . . .
Yes, and it honestly has no comaprison. Different systems, differnt ways of working. Hows 1400 grab ya? Typically, take the HP and X2 and thats your toruqe.
Ya i did notice that with diesels. Thats pretty cool. Sometimes its like about the same with cars (hp and torque) numbers wise.
whenever I tow our Trailer I always lower my myne to the lowest setting . and still pass most people on the road.
And that is the proper way to do that. I am merely showing just how feasible it is to build a sub 12 second truck, and tow a pretty heavy trailer with the same truck, not just to the lake, but over 900 miles! I could have turned down the power, yes. But, I also could have turned it up!:stir:
I pulled some steep grades going up I-5 (Redding toward Oregon) with a 10k 5er, still on legal fuel, I was pulling a grade in 6th. When the rpms dropped to 1800, I down shifted to 5th and mashed it. Boost bounced to 35 for a second, then settled at 30 and held steady. RPMs dropping slowly in 5th, EGT stays at about 1350 from 2500 rpm down to 1800. I down shift to 4th, rpm goes to the governor, and stays there, EGT rises to 1450. Water temp increased from 195 to about 205, but settled back after I crested each hill. I only kept it at 1450 for 30 to 45 seconds on 3 occasions. Letting up slightly sent the temps down to between 1300 to 1350 fast. Only having experience with an old 335 Cummins in a '64 Kenworth, I thought that as you relieved the strain on the motor by shifting down-the motor running freer at a higher RPM, the EGT was supposed to drop??? I just thought the rise in EGT after I down shifted was counter to what I expected. Don't get me wrong, this truck is a pullin SOB, and I have no complaints about its performance. It would climb a tree if you asked it to. I think the pyrometer is reading hotter than it actually is because when it's cold out, and the motor is stone cold the gauge will read about 95 on it's scale after I have switched the power on but not yet started. Also, after idling for 3 to 5 min the EGT won't drop below 350, you could idle it until Christmas and it'll be at 350. This has to be balanced against the probe located in the forward most port on my truck where the temps in the exhaust stream may not be as hot. Are the temps OK for the conditions I stated above? I think I should consider a bigger turbo, maybe the small turbine housing is the "choke point" causing my excessive EGR's. DD.
sorry maby i missed it but where did you put the probe post or pre turbo? that will mack a huge diffrence .the best is pre turbo.
and thinking on ditching the Cat and keeping the MBRP muffler in place how much louder do ya think it would be in the cab with out the Cat?
The probe is pre turbo, and I think it's slightly louder w/o the cat. Also consider that when I looked into the cat after it was off, I could see 4 nickle size holes through the screens inside. My motivation for removing it was to eliminate any possible exaust restriction. I don't know about you, but I think that is a huge restriction (4" pipe into 4 small holes), you be the judge... DD