Hope someone here can help... I've had my new 04.5 Ram ctd for 3 weeks now and have been on every forum that has Cummins info absorbing all the info that I can. On one forum I ran across an article detailing how to build your own cold air intake with the BHAF and 5" sch 40 PVC pipe and fittings. Now I can't find that forum! Does anyone have a clue as to where I found this? Thanks in advance and feel free to voice your opinions on whether or not you think this project is a good idea or not.
Here's a good one. http://www.dieseltruckresource.com/dev/showthread.php?t=129265 And here's my cheap drop tube mod, works well with the intake baffles and silencer ring removed.
You can make your own and still use a stock type air filter. you need a length of flex hose, 4 inch hole saw, toilet seat flange, some screws and nut, 2 hose clamps, 4 inch coupling and sheet metal screw. this set up will pull air from just below the frame between the inner fender liner and the frame. Have not had any issues with water or snow inside the air box.
I cant say it adds any HP or MPG, but the place where I got the idea for it (they were charging $100) said it would help EGT's while towing. I have no water issues as I kept mine tucked up inbetween the fender liner and that other plastic piece.
Mine reduced towing EGTs by 25 degress up a 6% grade at 55 MPH with an 8,000# trailer. No measurable MPG change. Does seem to spool up a little quicker. 100 Proof
The pic is a good idea. Thats my next project. To prevent bugs and whatnot from being sucked into the inlet tube, would a piece of screening material over the inlet hurt the performance? Thanks.
Kawiram, that is what I have in progress. The commercial version of this project shows big improvements in power. Where did you get the cover over the opening. I saw a drier vent piece that has a 90 degree bend I was thinking about. Pete