My new (to Me) truck has the signature series frame rails already installed. Looking at the Gooseneck hitch for this. Does anyone know what the difference is between the Draw Tite 40845 and the Reese 30845 other than $50?
imp: That is what I was hoping. When I was searching last night, I found a Hidden Hitch version for even less. waytogo
Also just to let you know the Highjacker goose ball will fit the reese rails. That what mine is, well sorta. A local welder made a few goose balls for the highjacker rails and it fit my reese just fine. Got mine for $250
Got a confirmation e-mail from one source stating the Reese, Draw-Tite, and Hidden-Hitch versions are all the same. Found a Hidden Hitch one for $205.
"I think you pay for the name. If I remember correctly reese owns drawtite." Actually Reese, Drawtite, Hidden Hitch, Fulton, Bulldog, Westbar, Tekonsha, Bargman, Eclipse, and a couple of others are all part of Cequent. They keep the individual brand names, but it is all the same stuff. waytogo