So I got a smoking deal on a 98 Cummins. It has the 12V with the 98.5 interior, 5 speed, 4wd, dually, cab and chassis. It only had 162,000km on it and a brand new paint job. I got the truck for $12k. I've been lurking around here for a bit and am pretty stoked to try out the fuel plate and gsk mods. Just need to get a pyrometer first. Anyways on to the question. Just recently my oil pressure gauge started dropping to zero for a couple of seconds and then jumping back up to normal. Now it seems to sit at zero on startup for a few seconds before jumping up to normal. I have no idea what is causing this but obviously I am pretty worried about it seeing as oil pressure is fairly important lol. Can anyone tell me what is wrong? TIA ~Max
I would check the oil level first, then replace the oil pressure sending unit like posted above. should get you dialed. As for your mods, yes, pyro first thing. very important. Sounds like a nice truck, pretty good deal for a 98 12v.
Thanks for the replys. I do keep up on my oil levels so I know thats fine. I've got a new sender ordered up so hopefully that solves the problem.
The oil pressure ga. on my '95 has always stayed at zero for just a second or two when I start it up (since it was new). If I remember correctly, the owners manual states the driver should wait until oil pressure comes up before shifting into gear.... so, I've always done that. Having said this, if it's fluctuating then I'd go with a new sending unit as already mentioned.
Thanks for the input. Can someone tell me where I can find the sender in my truck? I took a quick look but didn't see it and I don't have a manual. I know I need to get one. :doah: Thanks, ~Max