does anyone makea flush mount brake controller? i want to clean up the interior a little bit, make my truck look a little more stock. its an 03 dodge cummins, 4 door.
I would try the new MaxBrake Selfish plug, but very nice control.
seems to be a knock off of brakesmart... same principal and everything, but i like the apperance and functions of brakesmart. had mine for about 3 years now and ZERO problems. works VERY well with my tri axle GN. 18k and stops great. Grant
I do not know if it is a knock off or not. They only thing really the same is they tie into the mastercylinder. BrakeSmart was not the first to do this with an electronic brake control. This technology has been progressing since anti-lock brakes. What is great about the MaxBrake vs some others is that it has the ability to be mass produced unlike earlier attempts. Does a brake control really need to raise and lower your power jacks? Do you really need to program your name or message? All programing attempts raise production cost and complex manufacturing.
I have one of the max brake controllers in my truck. this thing is really the best controller i ever used
brakesmart is mass produced, and i agree, the cost is a bit higher. the display in the front looks to be exact to the brake smart. do i need it to be able to control jacks? no, but control air bags is nice, and EGT is nice, along with half a dozen other features it can do that i dont NEED, but i like. the price isnt much more for a better looking more user friendly package with the brake smart...