i am looking into the market to chip my dodge its an 06 mega cab 2500 with the 5.9 and i have a few questions 1.what is a good chip for me to use? 2.is the chip easy enough for me to install? 3.should i use a programmer instead of a chip? 4.if im only going to get it for a like 85hp boost do i really need to run an aftermarket exhaust?
Id reccomend a set of guages if you plan on upping the power. You already have a 4" exhaust so, you could lose the muffler, and cat and replace it with a high flow muffler, or leave it straight. Im running the Quadzilla XZT. It's a great, simple to install module. Two wire hookups underhood. Ive seen an increase in mileage of about 2 MPG average, and a nice boost in power.
This could be a long one. . . First, like posted - Gauges are not optional. MUST have either before or when installing a chip of any kind. 1.what is a good chip for me to use? Well that depends. First, some questions for you - Is Warranty an issue for you? How much power are you wanting? What do you use the truck for? Manual or auto? What is your mechanical ability? 2.is the chip easy enough for me to install? Some chips are very easy to install and some are very invovled. Some offer more options than others. Typically, the more features, the more complex the install. However, all the chips available are simple enough to be installed in your driveway if you have some mechanical ability. 3.should i use a programmer instead of a chip? Programers have some advantages over a chip, as in activley reprogramming teh vehichle compared to fooling the ECU. Most Programmers can adjust tire size and even transmission shift points in some. Also, typically the Programmers are easier to use/install. Some are more affordable than chips. 4.if im only going to get it for a like 85hp boost do i really need to run an aftermarket exhaust? Not really, as you already have 4" exhasut under the truck. If you want, the most cost effective set up is an MBRP Cat delete pipe if you want to pull the cat for more flow, and an MBRP muffler replacement kit if you would like a higher flowing aftermarket muffler thats not too loud like a straight pipe. Is it necessary? No. Will it help, yes.
warrenty isnt a HUGE issue with me......but if there is something i can use that would get around them being able to check for horsepower gains that would be nice im only wanting about an 80 or 85 hp boost the truck is a daily driver but i use it to tow a jeep prolly 2 or 3 times a month its an auto mechanical ability: i have a pretty good sense of what im doing i have built my jeep from the ground up.......the only thing is i want a good clean install which worries me when i come to gauges because on an 88 jeep wrangler......things dont really have to look pretty they just gotta work but i dont wanna bootyfab up anything on my truck which gauges would have to be installed......exhaust temp im pretty sure? and by the way i really think im going to lean towards a programmer from what you have written all of that said does anyone know of a chip/programmer that will give me 80-85hp thats decently priced?
I have had good luck with Bully Dog. You can purchase a downloader and the Outlook monitor together. The outlook monitor will give you the EGT, boost, water temp, fuel pressure, and much more. You are also able to get 1/4 mile times and 0 - 60 times. The outlook monitor also gives you the ability to set defuel levels. As far as the temps go, for example if you set your defuel level at 1250 degrees when your truck reaches this temp your outlook monitor will automaticaly defuel your truck until you go below that temp. This function will help you prevent damage to your motor. I had a Bully Dog in the last truck and am going to install it in my new one when I get the money. The downloader has three settings from the factory and the ability to add more if you want. The settings are stock, performance, which adds about 90 hp, and extreme, which adds about 140 hp. Now, with the Outlook monitor you can control the amout of hp you are putting to the motor. The Outlook monitor can also decrease the amout of power by 25% at a time. If you have the extreeme setting loaded into the truck you can lower your output by placing the monitor at 75% output, and so on. Take a look at their web site. They also have dyno sheets available on the site.
I think you are a canidate for a Smarty myself. First, its untraceable by the dealer, they cannot see it has been there. The other programers will leave a trail. I would install the anolog gauges, go with Pyro at the minimum. Boost if you like, and you can add trans temp or fuel pressure to monitor them if you want to fill out a triple pillar. Yes this will cost slightly more than other options, but it leaves your warrantly completly intact, offers a wide range of programs and a very smooth power increase, and the gauges will work either with or without the programmer. Next on the list I would say is the Edge Juice/Attitude. Nice gauge package, 5 different levels of power with 5 sub levels each, adjustable on the fly. Simple install. From there we look at maybe a Quadzilla 100hp towing box and either analog gauges or the Quadzilla Commander. The Diablosport Predator Tuner has made a very good impression on many for its smooth power and simple use. Also can be stacked with the power Puck or purchased in a stack configuration.
I second the smarty idea. It's got a 65HP setting that you'd like, and a 90HP setting if you get guages. The 130 and 170 setting would be too much for a stock truck. Do you need guages? Yes! Are there tons of people that are running small power upgrades (like 70HP or so) without any guages at all? Yep, more than people that do have guages. Is it a good idea? Not really.
i htink i might be leaning towards a smarty.......anyone know of a decent looking gauge set that i could buy?
Hey 06MegaCab. I have both a Smarty and a Quad 30-60-100 Standard Box. If you are looking for shift-on-the-fly use, then something like the Quad is the route to go. I saw a 2-3 mpg gain in the 60 setting. I tow a lot, so with smaller loads I use the 30 setting and with larger loads I use the 60. It is a pretty nice performance mod, my dealership was more in favor of it when I brought up the subject of boxes. It installs/removes very easily. The Smarty, being a downloader, cannot be changed while moving, have to stop and do the download for what you want. There is a ton of programming options, so it IS more versatile in the overalll, but again NO shift on the fly. I got mine to change my tire size - imagine that - spending that much $$$'s to just get the speedo right. Once I became familiar with it, and comfortable with it, I tried out a couple of programs. I actually have found that I am not using it as much and keeping it in the stock program because I do travel and my truck is still under warranty, I have concerns about being able to set it back to stock while on the road and having something go wrong - needing a dealership at that moment. I do not carry it in the truck. I installed the ISSPRO gauges in the pillar, first mod I made. I have the EGT, boost, and fuel pressure. I later installed the Pricol Rail Pressure gauge in a small bullet pod attached alongside the pillar mount. Again, since I tow I really did need to be looking at EGT's, and since the Quad addition ALL the gauges I installed seemed a smart idea. Auad does make the Commander, a digital gauge, but I am old-school and prefer the analogs.
Isspros match well, and I have used the Autometer Phantoms alot on 03 and newer trucks. There are so many options on mounting too, you can do somethings sleek very easily.
Just changed Programers I had been running a triple dog for about a year and I completly melted my trany. I just installed the Edge with Juice. So far I love it. One of the nice features that it has is a turbo cool down. When I installed it the book said 10 min but it really took me about 2 hours. The hardest part was hooking up the EGT sensor. I have mine sent up right now to display my EGT, boost, trans oil temp, and speed. I have 315/70r/17 so my speed odometer is off almost 13 mph at 60 mph. The bully Dog has a lot of power but I am planning on keeping my truck for years to come and in my opion Edge with Juice is a safe choice. Robb
You melted the transmission beacause you did not stay within the safe operating range of a stock transmission. The Bully Dog can make plenty of power to do that. So can the edge, just ask RJF. He has a modded transmission and still has issues from time to time. Bottom line here is you cannot install the strongest program and expect things to live. You must upgrade as needed. Not trying to harp on you, just setting some things out in the open for other members to understand.
Exactly Right You are right on. I found out the hard way. I was lucky it was still under warranty. I just don't want guys to make the same mistake that I made. Robb
Personally I think the best “chip/programmer” out there is the TST. It doesn’t just cram a ton of fuel down the injectors throat to make the HP/TQ gains. I think when you start adding a lot more fuel through the IP and the injectors or when you really start to pump up the PSI is when you start having problems. I personally would stay away from any “pressure box” that simply plays with the fueling to get the gains….you’re asking for trouble. Plus, the TST has 9 HP and 9 TQ settings and with a stock truck with an auto you can really only go up to about 3 on the HP and TQ without having tranny issues. What does that mean? It means that as you do more mods down the road you’ll be able to “grow” into this programmer and not have to get rid of it or “outgrow” it. Plus, it’s got the turbo cool down mode, economy setting and two twin turbo programs….and it comes with a built in EGT and boost gauge. For my money…TST is the best one out there.