I have a 40' Horton that I have been hauling hay and straw with.imp: It is great other than thefact that if it is not loaded perfectly it will lean to the haevy side and the further I go with it that way the worse it gets.:doah: My question is if I were to put a 5th wheel plate in the B&M hide-a-ball how much stability will that add???
i dont see a fifth wheel setup making much difference. the way i would look at it is from a center of gravity point of view, possibly stiffer springs, or just load it better.......opcorn:
Not having any trouble with the truck, its is the trailer that is giving me a fit. I weigh 230 and when I step up onto the deck @ the front corner that corner will drop down about 2 inches . I think that the trailer need some extra bracing on the under carraige also the terrain that I have to cross between where I load up to where I get back on the road is not what you would call "SMOOOOOOOTH as GLASS" either
Yeah, sounds to me like a flimsy trailer. Some weld and some bracing should help that out. AS far as a difference between the 2 hitches, I don't think it will help much with the trailer not being very well built.