Does anyone know of a remote oil filer kit for the Cummins? I just changed the oil and filter on my 6.7 last night and the location of the filter is just retarded. Its so high on the block that you can barely reach it lieing under the truck and definitely can't grip it with more than finger tips. Its buried from the top by the air intake. I could squeeze a chain vicegrip in through the openning in the inner fender and feed the chain around the filter from underneathe then turn the filter bit by bit to loosen it enough to turn it by hand but the whole time I'm thinking I won't do this twice. Hopefully the replacements I install will turn out easier but I can't imagine doing this in the middle of winter on a truck with 5 years of dirt all over the underside. BTW when you pull the plug on the pan, you better have a pail under it because those plastic oil catcher jugs won't swallow the oil as fast as its coming out of that pan.:doah:
I have one of these--> Sears item #02820523000 Mfr. model #51121SA706 With an extension, It works well. However, it can be a reach to get the new filter on. You can use the tool to tighten after the first thread is caught.
I called the folks at City Diesel and they say the kit won't fit. There were frame changes after 2004 and the kit doesn't fit and if modified to fit, it will likely fail. I'm tempted to order the kit anyway and make my own mounting bracket. How hard can that be?