Well here were the settings while towing my camper out I-80 in PA. TST standard program 3/2, vanAaken on high setting. Had just pulled a decent hill, the pyro reached 1200* and coasted down the other side. Cruise was set and started to accelerate up another grade when it started to labor. Looked at the gage cluster and the RPM gage had "0" but the engine was still running. Seconds later, a backfire and a plume of smoke, the engine shut down. Codes were both the crank sensor, normal for the TST, and cam sensor, not normal. Take a look at the pics and give me your thoughts. Was it the stack??? The TST malfunctioned??? What??? Note that all the pistons but #2 were effected and looked like this.
I guess now I know what not to do! That is such a bummer man, you have a little bit of money into your pickup. I cant tell what is going with that piston, I dont see a good spray pattern that is for sure! What is the flaky material? Are you going to rebuild it? Or get a new engine? And how many miles did you have on it? Keep us posted. Brian
ehh... Van Aaken C3.1 does PRESSURE... doesnt TST as well? that would be/was a BAD combo... but im not sure how or what TST does. sorry to hear about it.
The PMCR37 doesn't do pressure or have adjustable timing. From my research, the VanAaken is actully less agressive than the pressure developed by the PMCR49. The pyro is pre-turbo on the back or rear side of the divide. Should be giving the best available reading. Thanks and keep thinking.
The flaky material is piston debris. With the damage to the pistons, it is hard to see a pattern. Here is pic of the undamaged #2. The pattern on this piston is evident. I guess it could have been injectors since #2 survived. I Already ordered a new complete engine from Cummins. Rebuilding was about $1,500 less than a new one. Rebuilding meant boring, sleeves, pistons, bearings, reworking the head, injectors, etc... Purchased a new ISB 305/555 HO for $6,500. . Miles??? Was just broke in at 135,000 miles.
How much weight were you pulling with those settings? Seems like the stack was kind of hot for towing. I run my TST at 3/3 on my SO and that seems to be pushing it when towing.
Not exactly sure but would think somewere in the area of 12,000 to 13,000 LBs. I did call TST and quized them a little after the breakdown concerning the settings. Of course they didn't commit anything other than to say it should have been a good setting and it should have had good towing strength. Which it did for about 100 miles. What can I say?
Did you get the truck back up and operational yet? 6500 isn't too bad for a new engine. Hoepfully I never have to come to that, but it is not as bad as the horror stories of 15K some guys are spending. Scotty
No, not yet. Cummins didn't have an engine sitting around so it is currently in production. So I was told!!! Shipping date is the 15th of Aug. Really miss the truck. Have had to borrow a truck everytime I needed to move my camper around. Thanks for asking.