Ok guys, who’s running an exhaust brake out there? Which one are you running? Why? Likes/dislikes? Any problems or things you love about that particular model? I’m looking to get one for my 2004 Dodge 2500 HO with the 6spd. Looking at either the BD or the Pacbrake XBR. I need to get one on order this week so post up your thoughts. I’ve done a lot of research on them and they both appear to be quality built items but I’m just not sure on which one I want to run. I like the fact that the BD compressor isn’t mounted on the engine (seems like mounting a compressor on hot, vibrating engine might lead to issues), but that also complicates installation and maintenance of it. The pacbrake claims to have more braking power at lower RPM’s but who knows. Give me a hand here guys……
LOVE my jake! the only think i dislike about it is it is a BIT louder than the others as it uses a vacume pump vice compressor. not a big deal. some dont like how it is integrated into the serp belt. i carry a spare belt. problem solved. i also cary a spare vac pump as i found them for CHEAP and bought two when mine went out. the fact that the dealership can service it and the fact that they have parts on most dealer shelves and the fact that it doesnt void anything adds in as well. off to a cook out!
My dad has a Jacobs and it takes forever to engage and even longer to disengage. I'd go with a BD, as I've heard they engage faster than the Jacobs. For how slow my dad's Jacobs is, it almost makes it just a nuicense to use in town at all and resorts to only using it on hills pulling something.
Well, I haven't even really looked at the Jacobs brand brakes. So I don't know too much about them. I know for a fact I don't want any type that requires any mod's to the serpentine setup or a new pump that bolts in line on the serp setup. So that really leaves me either the BD or the pacbrake. Anyone out there running either of these setups??? Maybe I should check TDR?
I could not say enough about this exhaust brake......http://www.usgear.cc/dcelerator.htm Stronger, more Heavy Duty, less stressful to the trubo, easy to repair/service and QUICK! I cannot say enough about this exhaust brake.
The BD and Pac won't void anything either. I like the BD brake best myself. Easy install, no messing with different belts, much more reliable. I had a Jacobs on a truck. When they let go, they let go!
Ended up getting a turbo mount pac brake. Just bought it a couple minutes ago….should arrive next week. So….looks like next weekend I’ll be busy installing all the goodies (GDP MK2 filter kit and big hose kit, MBRP 4” turbo back exhaust, Pacbrake, Kenwood deck and amp) I’ve bought over the last week. I’ve already had all 5 windows tinted, installed new speakers (Alpine 6x9’s upfront and kicker 6 ¼” in the rear) and Nifty catchy-all floor mats installed since I got the rig on the 3rd….I’ve been busy!!!! Now…off to get an intake and maybe a TST. Then I’m done for a while….my wallet is on FIRE right now!!!!!!
Well…got all the parts in over the last week and spent the weekend installing them. Got the 4” MBRP turbo back exhaust, the pac brack PRXB and the GDP MK2 filter kit installed . For the most part everything went together pretty well. Hardest part was probably yanking out the old stock exhaust and just making all the wiring/hose routing look good/functional and out of harms way…and trying to find a good location to mount the air tank. I am glad that I printed off installation instructions for the pac brake off their website because the kit didn’t come with any (what’s up with that?). Their instructions could’ve been a little better but I managed. The MK2 kit was a piece of cake to install as I already had the drivers side inner fender removed to get access to the ECM for the pacbrake. Oh, yeah…that reminds me….I HIGHLY recommend removal of both inner fenders for installation of the pacbrake….that made my life SOOO much easier. To do it any other way would’ve been stupid. Initial thoughts on the products….AWESOME!!! The 4” MBRP exhaust adds some tone at idle and acceleration but it’s not too much….and at cruising it’s perfect, just a little more aggressive but not so much that it’s driving you nuts while cruising down the freeway at 70mph. I didn’t have gauges on the rig before so I’m not sure how the EGT look…but it sure seems like the turbo spools up a bit faster and is a bit louder. The pacbrake PRXB is simply amazing!!! It REALLY slows you down rather quickly and it activates pretty fast after letting your foot off the throttle. I can’t wait to tow with it (next opportunity will be on the 22nd when I tow my K5 up to the Con) to see how it does. Plus…I now have onboard air now which is always a plus. Other cool things about the kit….my Dodge now sounds like a mini big rig with the “bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” jake brake sound. And, when the brake is activated and I give it throttle it cycles off and the compressor lets out a “pssssssssshtttt”. I already had one guy ask me today when I went out and got lunch if I was “venting NOS”….I was like…um no…just the air compressor cycling the solenoid off and releasing air pressure off my exhaust brake….he was clueless…he looked at me like I had a **** growing out of my forehead. rotfl Next adds….Just sent an older R47 TST box back to TST to get reprogrammed with the R49 programs and cool down mode. That should be back next week and will be installed upon my receipt of it. At that time I’ll also slap on an AFE intake. Then, that’ll be it for a while. Maybe November or December I’ll add a GDP pusher pump….but we’ll see how $$$ goes. Didn’t have time to install the stereo…but I’ll do that this week. waytogo
I have the pacbrake on my 04.5 Dodge and i think it does a great job. It holds my fifth wheel on the hills and has worked great. i would recommend it!
Has anyone figured out if the optional clutch switch that is mentioned in the PacBrake installation manual is the same clutch switch that will allow the operation of the high idle feature on a manual transmission truck? I am torn between the BD and the PAC. With the products being so close. This little feature may be the only thing that kicks me to one side or the other. Thanks, Chris
Lucky hat I would recommend that you give pacbrake a call to get an answer to that. I have an automatic.
the optional clutch switch is if you don't like the brake coming on during shifts it will cancel the brake activation as long as the clutch is engaged
Thanks Harold. I spoke with TJ about the switch. He told me everything that I needed. I guess I forgot to update this thread when I got my answer.