they keep the truck cooler, and look great. i designed the side covers and had them printed then the same guys installed them for a great price. i will be making an order of the side window deisgn of the POW MIA JUST like what i have, and i will be making a few other designs up as well. let me know what ya think! Grant
thanks guys! i am getting a TON of looks, thumbs up, and comments in person about my truck now. if anybody wants to purchase the side wondow covers please let me know. i am checking interest on them, but need to find out if it is worth while. the way they are printed off, once the material is cured to the window i will be able to put my rain visors back on and still see the full logo. like i said, if you are interested, just shoot me a PM so i can see if it would be worth doing a run of 20 of them. Grant
I could look at that all day! I myself am a coastie, I have a good buddy that just shipped out to Iraq with the Corps, my old man and my uncle were both jarheads. I got a lot of respect for the those guys. Are you going to have anything painted on your tailgate? Thats one thing I want to do when the funds become avaliable...I like tailgates with a picture on them.
i will have the tailgate airbrushed with the POW MIA crest when i have money. the top of the cab will be painted mate black from the door sills up eventually, and the bumpers will be black once i find someone who has black SL bumpers to get rid of. TONS mroe to list, but thats the basic idea. stacks will be black and go up to 7 inches some day as well. thanks for the support though Grant
Awsome Semper Fi brother I myself am a Marine I am currently in San Antonio at BAMC I got hit by a road side bomb in Dec. 2006 made it out, but have 60% burns hoping to stay in the Corps, I love to see Marines showing there support
sorry to hear about the burns. glad you are still alive and seem to be doing well. they should retain ya so long as you can still run a PFT, qual on the range. might have to find ya another job though. a break might be a good thing ya know... S/F Attk!