I have a 2006 3500 Megacab Dually that doesn't get driven but a couple times a month. At around 25k miles I noticed that when I started to drive it,the tranny would take 15-20 seconds to go into gear. I know that the torque converter pump doesn't work until you put it in gear,but why did it start doing this at 25k miles? I just had the dealer service the tranny,and it still does it after the truck sets for a week.
As in you pull it into Drive, and just sit there for that long until you feel it engage, or as in you can pull it into D and start going, but it's very sluggish until you get up to speed?
Sounds like the converter is draining. Try starting and idling for a little bit in Neutral. Fluid will flow in neutral. Jason
Does Dodge still put the oneway check valve in these because of the converter draining back? I did a trans. on a 1997 or 1998, and when I went to flush the cooler and lines it would only flush one direction because of a check valve. If Dodge is still using them it may be bad and letting the converter drain back.
I have taken it to 3 different dealers and they can't tell me what is wrong. The dealer that just serviced the tranny,ordered a check valve for the cooler line ,but I have not taken it back yet. I was just seeing if anyone else might have the same problem and know what the cure was! thx for your input
Have the dealer replace the check valve that you mention of. It's definantly converter drain off. The best way to fix it is to go with an aftermarket converter as they don't normally drain back like a stocker. Granted, you aren't going to run out and start changing hardparts because of a little bit of oil draining off, but it's something to keep in mind.
Had the dealer replace the check valve a couple weeks ago,but I have been using the truck daily so I don't know if the problem is still there. I should be going back out soon,so I will give an update after I come back and the truck has set for a week or two.
tranny still does it! Well I guess it is back to the drawing board. My torque converter is still draining back into the transmission after the truck sets for a few days. I guess the check valve wasn't the fix after all. If anyone has sugestions to solve this PLEASE let me know. It's not that it is a problem,the truck runs and shifts fine,but why did it start doing this at 25K miles and not since I bought it new.
Texmegadually, Go to this forum and ping Tim Holt. He is a tranny guru, that is engineering level on the 48re. He will tell you what's wrong. Good luck. Pete http://www.dieselram.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=37&page=1
I installed a Suncoast Converter and Valve Body in my 07 w/ 10,000 miles on the truck. After I started having the same issues except it only takes a few hours for mine to drain. Suncoast said a valve could be adjusted but it was the safestest how it was set. I just let the truck for for a few second before I take off.
Found a solution to the problem I ran into an old school friend last weekend that owns a tranny shop and we are just going to put a shift kit in it and bypass the check valve. he said he has had several customers with the same problem and this is the fix for it. Thx for your idea's