I was messing around in the gravel subdivision rd. yesterday and had it in first gaer . the windows were up and the radio was on . i decided to gun it and by the time i started to back of of it i looked at the tach and it said 4200 rpm, whoops did not mean to do that . did not mess any thing up and i let off of it slowly as to bring the rpm down slowly . thank god its stock , if it was hopped up i might have messed up something . it was fun though, lol. funny thing is i drove it today and it ran better . must have cleaned her out, lol.
i have taken my dodge to around 4200 a couple times. once wasnt my fault as the cruis malfunctiond and the other time was a down shift i wasnt paying attention in and went that hig... it runs fine still... like RJF said, i am sure yours is just fine with 4200