I want to build a new hitch and bumper with a reciever for my '70 F350. Right now this is what I've got. Anybody here have a similar setup, pictures, or advice? I have access to a welding machine and a source for FREE angle and channel steel. I want to extend the frame a little and make the receiver height the same as my 4X4 F250. More pictures here. http://s115.photobucket.com/albums/n298/flatbedford/hitch/
well first is it a dump bed on there or not, that matters. it should be easy, just need some details. are the pics on phot bucket what you have now ?
hey sorry took so long to get back to ya, could not find the post again, lol. so you said you want to extend the frame more, how much more ? and how much higher ? maybe up next to the marker lights ?
I want to lengthen the frame. To about the tail lights. Here's a picture of what I've got. http://s115.photobucket.com/albums/n298/flatbedford/hitch/?action=view¤t=france****ch001.jpg At that point, I want a bumper with a reciever. The end of the reciever should be about flush with the end of the bed so I won't smash my knee on it. I've got pretty good idea of what I want. I just need pictures and ideas of what guage stock I should work with and where I might find a weld-on reciever. I guess this forum doesn't allow links the same way others do. I'm trying to add one of the views in the gallery I linked to in the first post here. It's side view.
well here in va. there is a store called northern tool and one called tracter supply . both of these stores have weld on recievers . they are just the tubes with the wrapped end and 5/8 pin hole . notice on any hitch that be it tube or channel or flat bar , its all about 1/4 inch thick . i would not go thinner. stick to 1/4 or bigger and if you are like me , i always build it bigger than i need. so you should be ok. sorry i cant post any pics yet, still learning how to use the computer. good luck with the hitch.