My truck started shaking when I am slowing down to stop. I am pretty sure its coming from the rear of the truck. It only starts it at about 30 mph and does it until I get stopped. It feels like I am driving over rumble strips. I thought maybe it was the rotors that needed to be turned. So I had that done yesterday, and it still does it. Anyone else have this problem? Its a 03 Dually. Now I am starting to think its something inside the rear. Any help is appreciated.
I had a similiar problem and thought it was the rotors on the front. I ended up being the back rotors. I had them turned, problem solved. Hope this helps.
Could be one of your tires in the back either has a bubble in the tread or one of belts in the sidewall has come apart. Check it out soon. Once this happens they don't last long.
similar problem I had a similar problem only it didn't matter if I was speeding up or slowing down. Around 50 mph the truck would shake like the tires were flyin off. Turned out to be my steering stabilizer.