Not sure if this is where this goes or not but here goes... I have a 07 Superduty 6.0 PSD and place in my town is letting me demo a bully dog triple dog programmer for the weekend to see what kind of mileage increase I get on the tow/economy setting. So far it's doing pretty good (I've gunned it a few times so I don't know how accurate my gas mileage reading will be ). My question is: the programmer's manual shows that there is a transmission setting that can be changed to adjust the shifting. Right now it shifts a little harder than I would like it to. It's kind of weird though it is real snappy when I get on it and really soft when I just cruising. I guess I haven't figured out if I like it or not. I like the little extra power and the little bit of smoke coming out the pipe, but it is just really different I guess it will take some getting used to.
Your transmission is adjusting to the higher power output and nearly all automatic transmissions dating back to the 60's are able to adjust line pressure according to throttle input. The harder you put your foot into it, the higher the line pressure will ramp up to apply enough hydraulic PSI to the clutches to keep it from slipping under the designated power.
Yeah, I got to reading in the manual and I did the transmission "relearn" procedure that bully dog said to do and it helped out quite a bit. I have been romping on it a little bit here and there but overall (and I haven't filled it up and done the math yet) it seems like I'm probably getting about 2 to 3 more mpg over before without the tuner. Based off of where the fuel needle is at and the present mileage. And it is a little more enjoyable to drive not having it rev to 2000 (peak torque) for every shift around town.
the triple dog is a great chip. i got it on my cummins, and on tow setting i got maybe maybe 1/2 mpg better. but ive had it on crazy larry for almost a month, and by god its climbed over 3 mpg better!
I took a guestimate today at a 1/2 tank (about 15 gallons) and was getting 2.5 mpg better, but I won't know for sure until I fill up again. I did put it on the performance setting today to try it out (I just have the stock air cleaner and straight pipe where the muffler goes) and it was pretty amazing! I turned it back to the tow/economy mode so I wouldn't get myself in trouble. Although I could see how it would save more fuel since it has to work less to get moving about a 3/4 inch push on the pedal gets you to 40 in no time in traffic. I went to pass a van on the highway and it almost made me pee my pants how it got up and moved! I couldn't get the smile off of my face... It still hurts from smiling all day...
o i know, those chips are so fun. especially on the high settings. theyve come along way in the past few years.
I have one on my dodge along with a quadzilla boost fooler and a 5" turboback exhaust I keep it on performance and average 23 Mpg Highway and 18 "city" running empty My worst tank so far was pulling my 40ft gooseneck loaded with drill pipe (33,000 pounds gross) I got 11.5 running 75-80 mph over some pretty good mountain passes. so i'm happy with my current setup but I think I'll be selling my tripledog and getting a smarty and a Snow Stage 3 .