I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that is responsible for keeping this site going. Webmaster, Sponsors, Moderators, etc, etc, Also all of you that contribute through your posts and supporting the Sponsors. Several years ago, I bought my first diesel (used) and my knowledge and abilities have grown through my experiences and this website. My truck has received many upgrades and most of them I paid someone to install. But as my knowledge grew I started doing more and more of my own maintenance. Recently I installed a new TBS, which was no big deal once you get your head under the hood and start to learn where everything is and how it functions. I then reset the TBS (APPS) per instructions I read on this site. Then last weekend the converter started doing that lock and unlock number that I had experienced before and read about on this site. I used the tin foil method per a tip posted here sometime ago and that was no longer an issue. The last time that happened, shortly after I had the trans updated for heavy towing, I took it to the tranny shop and they had the ECM upgraded. That fix cost me $100+ driving 250 miles to the shop. So, now that I no longer want to haul for others, I will say goodbye to my Cummin's and I have purchased a new Tundra to haul my old cars around when needed. My wife wanted a truck that was smaller and loaded with creature comforts to help her bad back during the long hauls. The tundra is a great truck but I will miss running 1600 miles and more between fuel stops. The extra 90 gals in the back was a great addition. I will also miss being the first one to the top of the next hill as that Dodge drivetrain is tweaked to perfection for running the Interstate. If you don't mind I will hang out in the gas rig section but I doubt there are any Tundra drivers around here. Safe driving guys! waytogo
Well, sorry to see the Cummins go, but you gotta do what you have to. I can understand that. We won't hold it against ya for too long!rotfl
Enjoy The Tundra, we used to have a 2001 Tundra. It was an awesome truck but it was a half ton and we didn't want to hurt it doing ranch work.