2005 o/d lockout

Discussion in 'Dodge 3rd Gen Cummins 5.9 (24v)' started by snowbird, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. snowbird

    snowbird New Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    pulling heavy with 05 cant keep the thing out of overdrive on corners or climbing stepped hills
    found a service bulletin from dodge to flash o/d option out, but it eliminates tow/haul mode and user can only access "normal shift schedule"
    or more to the point torque converter "slip mode"
    has anyone found or know of a fix that won't void the warranty?
    guess i should have bought a 06
  2. xploretx

    xploretx Active Member

    Oct 6, 2007
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    Near Austin, Tx
    I believe it's BD that sells a box that provides an OD lockout without loosing the existing functions.

  3. rbeyer

    rbeyer New Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    BD Lockout

    I have the BD lockout on my 2005/48RE. I have not towed anything siginficant with it. That will be next weekend when I move my 5th wheel.

    I have used the BD lockout in the mountains and it works well. The only issue I had was a few codes that had to be cleared. That only happened once. It was a on a trip to Yosemite with a loaded bed (piano plus furniture) and in over 100 degree heat. The codes occurred, I believe, because I was going in and out of the lockout a bit too much as I was playing with the feature. They were inconsequential. And, you don't have to loose your Tow/Haul mode.

    I haven't a clue regarding the warranty implications of this after market product.

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