i did an amsoil by-pass filter install on my truck this past week . anybody else done one , lets see those pics .
I have a BMK-15 AMSOIL Bypass kit on my 2002 Cummins, but no photos yet. I'll try to shoot some later this week. Looks good! -Chuck
yes i do have a lot more pics , i took enough to do a writre up . i will try to get some more on here soon .
Ah, yeah pics. I've been busy with customers and a newborn daughter. I keep forgetting to shoot photos.
Thanks guys. 3 jobs, a 4 year old son, 2 year old daughter, and a 4 week old daughter. Things are crazy right now. But I am a blessed man with a wonderful wife and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I mounted my BMK-15 AMSOIL dual bypass kit on the passenger side below my radiator on my '02 Cummins. The filters hang down for real easy access and my front receiver hitch protects them from frontal impact (already proven that, stupid deer). It makes oil and filter changes easy and very infrequent. -Chuck
congrats on the newborn daughter , i too have a newborn . my boy is seven weeks and mommy won't let me use the camera at all ! , so i used my camera phone . as for filter changes i dont know yet . i will probably unbolt the mount and drain it back into the motor and then remove the filter . i like my truck but there is no room anywhere !!!! sometimes i wish i did have a dodge . waytogo