Ok guys, Here come the "rookie questions". Please bare with me.... I just inherited a 98 12 V Dodge. All stock, only 120K miles on it. I'll be using this truck mostly for a tow rig...towing a race car (in a 24ft enclosed trailer). I've been asking alot of questions and reading alot of stuff on the 'net, about these 12V engines and what can be done with them. With that said, I do have a 4" exhaust and new intake kit and 3 gauge/pod coming this week. Now for the "rookie" questions, reading some stuff on the site I need to know; What is a "GSK" and what does it do? I know I can take the stock fuel plate and "shove it" all the way forward for more power but would I "burn-down" and what/where/and how do you grind one down? I read somewhere on here that one can just add 1-2 3/8 washers to the gov spring for more power, ....again how/where is it and how do you do it? If my engine is "all mechanical" what is the box for on the passenger side firewall for...tranny control? How do I advance the P-7100? I don't want to go too crazy with the mods as this truck is mainly a tow rig, so any help and suggestions for direction is appreicated!!! Richard
Welcome!! GSK is Governor Spring Kit. You can got to 3000 or 4000 rpms. This will help extend the operating range of the engine, and help when pulling hills, as you will be able to tach out a little higher. You can adjust the starwheel on the AFC housing in a bit for better throttle response and low end fueling. You can have the timing bumped up for better mileage and lower EGTs. Look for about 15* total. A small set of injectors, like 300's would be perfect. About a 50hp gain.
Thanks for the info Diesel Nut! I have already loosen the star wheel, is that spring that it is attached to the governor spring? How do I adjust the timing on the engine? Any idea what that computer box on the fire wall is for? Thanks all!
Don't know if you've gotten any info about timing, but I think you're asking about timing the p7100 pump, not the engine...... yes? If so, here's a link: http://dodgeram.info/tsb/1994/18-10-94a.htm I got mine set at 16 deg a few years ago and noticed better mpg's.
Hey thanks for the info!!! Sorry it has taken so long to check my messages. I think they are trying to "kill me" at work!!! HAHAHArotfl