1. Nothing wrong with a 98.5 or '03 Ram 2. 01-02's are no good why? Because of an injector issue? It isn't that much of a problem and there is a 200K warranty anyway. Go tell a Dmax racer that an 01-02 is no good....gee I wonder why the real contenders in the diesel power challenge had 01-03 LB7's.....Hmmmm...
man your a tough sell!! the majority of people who had the 03's had towing issues! and turbo issues. and they were very underpowered. yes its true! and the first 24 valves had new engine problems. i dont remember exactly but there were! and 03 duramaxs has issues. you must nota been around when the duramax came out. im not saying their not good now. they are. but IN THE BEGINNING!!! and the 03-04's had new injector issues. and oil leak issues. and alot of them develope a blue smoking problem! there!
time for my two cents. 1. the duramax injector issues in the first gen lb7's it quite a feat in itself. i think its pretty amazing that gm did more than recognize the problem, THEY WARRANTIED IT OUT TO 200,000 MILES. go try to find that kind of product backing in any other vehicle. If ford (or navistar) would have went through and replaced weak head bolts with head studs, the 6.0 would have totally regained its reputation. 2. the iron block/ aluminum bullcrap.......seriously, wheres the evidence that shows any issue with that. THERE ISNT ANY!! 3. Finally, if the Duramax is such a piece, why is it the fastest growing in sales(not the highest seller, the powerstroke is)? riddle me that batman? 4. wait, heres another....are you sure the cummins has such a better torque curve? i think not. im not sure how to post the links to dyno charts on here but that will prove it. im also pretty sure the peak torque difference between the cummins and duramax is only 150rpms. that really doesnt mean much since there are tons of different rearend ratios, and most people change their tire size. 5. damn, i had more than i thought. anyways, the peak power doesnt matter, thats just marketing. ALL THREE engines have enough torque to drag a friggen house off of its foundation. we all could flatten our suspension and pop our tires before we could slow these pickups down. whos next?
1. Yes, the '03 Dodges weren't all that powerfull, not much more than a late 24v, but that isn't a *problem*.... it's just a power rating. 2. I don't exactly remember any engine problems with the 98.5 24v either.....hmmmmm The only real problem that I can think of would be the 53 block, but that was a 98-01 issue. 3. I was around when the Dmax came out. They were a rip snorting motor and when it came out in 2001, it could whoop up on my '01 Cummins in stock trim. Yes, there were injector issues, yes GM made note of it and extended the warranty out to 200K on all LB7 trucks. I remember very clear, the brand new 2001 Dmax's that were hitting the road were a huge hit with the diesel crowd and in a matter of months it was clear that GM finally caught up with Ford and Dodge.
ya know ill go as far as saying the duramax is just as good if not better than the cummins....oooo what did i open up here?
While I like the D-max I don't think its in the same class as a cummins I beleive the cummins will out last a d-max 3-1
typical dodge horror story,just kidding,i wish you the best of luck with the new engine,you should have just put a 7.3 psd,no more probs.waytogo
well guess what?! I am now the proud owner of a 2007 GMC Duramax classic! what a great truck!! really makes the dodge look like what it really is! S#!t! Good riddance! i love the duramax! much better than the cummins!
Great Choice!! I test drove all three before i bought my duramax. i drove a brand new king ranch '07 first. Allthough i liked the look of the pickup, and it being pretty snappy, there was too much i didnt like. Like the harsh ride, and the horribly uncomfortable interior. then i drove an '07 dodge. once again i liked the look and the stance of the dodge, i just couldnt put up with the cheap interior and harsh ride(better than ford though). but most of all, the thing was a freaking dog. the salesmen toldme i could slam through gears if i wanted, so of course i did and all i got was black smoke and disappointment. finally i drove the '07 lbz i have now. i didnt like the stance of the truck and the ugly underhanging frame. and i didnt like not being able to get a manual. so i was upset before i even got in the pickup. when i got in, i saw a cheap looking interior, but it was very comfortable. it was a WAY better ride than the ford or dodge. but what sold me on the chevy was the duramax/allison. it blew me away how fast and smooth it accelerated. so i stood there for a second after driving it, and realized i could lift it a bit with new tires, but i was stuck with an ugly interior. small price to pay when i liked everything else. thats my story waytogo
A bombed engine failing under heavy load Huh must mean all Cummins are junk They all have problems all I'm saying is theres a whole lot of 600,000 plus miles Cummins dodges out there Can you say that about a D-max or a Power Stroke????? ( 7.3 is a good engine but theres not to many Hi-Mile members in that group) I don't really care for my dodge I bought a cummins and it came wrapped in a Dodge body But I also have a 2006 D-max and its had twice as many problems as my dodge in half the miles Including one Transmission ( the Allison that every one seems to covet so much) And Multiple Tie rod and ball joint failures and the ECM Even with the problems it's still a VERY nice truck I'll be keeping the Dodge but The D-max is getting traded for a ( undecided on its replacement) as soon as it hits 75,000 miles ( which is 40,000 more ) GM's are not junk but I don't feel that they hold up as well In the applications I use my trucks in And until you can show me multiple 600,000 plus mile D-max's in decent running shape I will stand behind my statement that the Cummins is the Most DURABLE of the Big 3 offerings Because for every Cummins Horror story you can find I can find you a Hundred or more people that have had NO problems from there Cummins engines
there are plenty of high mileage powerstrokes out there. and soon enough there will be duramaxs. they just havent been out as long as cummins or powerstroke. give it a few more years. their out there. theres plenty with 2 and 300k miles. they keep on rollin.
how weird! i think the ford has a great ride! the majority that ive driven were very very comfy. and have a great interior and exterior. i also like the GM interior! ha! i like all the buttons. they definately have a dang nice interior now...and i agree with the dodge. i cant say anything good about them...
the ford i drove was an f350 srw crew cab long box. i thought it would make me spill my coffee :doah:
I'm not saying the D-max or the powerstroke are bad engines it's just the Cummins is a proven engine look at all the 94 - 98 12 valves that are stillout there plugging along with little to no problems . you can't say that about a 7.3 stroke they just don't last as long and thats fact . How many 500,000 plus mile strokes are really out there that have had no major Mechcanical work done?? All 3 engines have awesome power . But the Cummins wins in Durability and economy And that means more to me than who has the Highest Horsepower ratings and which Interior is the best or which truck has the best ride Not to mention the less than durable IFS which WILL keep me from buying another GM ( although a new 4500 would be okay)
there are plenty of high mileage powerstrokes out there. especialy the 95-97 trucks with very little repair. thats facts. duramax is still new so well find out with them before long
First off they are all good trucks buddy has an 07 DMax and he loves it. Me you could not give me one I've just had bad luck with GM products, but the Dodge has its problems even with the solid front axle many of them just are not built as tough as some others or people would not be rebuilding them all the time but I have never had that problem either. Fords--we have them at work and not one has made it past 10,000 miles without major problems and money in the shop(brakes, trannys, rearends, front hubs failing, and big oil leaks) Not worth much but there is my 2 cents.