For those of you running a Triple Axle Single Wheel trailer or a Tandem Dual, why did you go with that setup versus the other, and what do you like/dislike about it? Thanks.
If you have to pull through snow or mud much, the duals drag alot more. Not from personal experience, but I deal with construction crews alot.
I pull both at work from time to time,each loaded(overloaded sometimes). Both has good points & bad.... Ill start with the dual setup: Advantages-- tires stay good for much longer more stability in rough roads/wind usually wider....deck over only 2 axles to service more mobility in sharp turns Disadvantages-- more tires to buy higher COG with tall loads DOT sticker required only if hauling 20k+ Triple/single wheels: Advantages--less tires to buy low COG easy to 'drag' through loose terrain easier to find right now,for a good $$ hard to overload(tires wont take it) Disadvantages--peels tires off on sharp turns tires last half as long more axles to service draws attention from the law most state troopers assume 3 axles=more load they WILL weigh/measure biggie if legal, but who likes messin with the smokey OBTW--with duals...if you get a flat(outside tire)you just drive up on a peice o wood (4x4) & swap out. singles--try stuffing a jack between tires.....its a pain,trust me(very tough if you cant "unload") better have a good jack & solid ground
Yea, Ive heard that the tires have a tendency to peel off the bead if you are fully loaded and turning sharply on pavement. How do tandem dual trailers track down the road in comparison to the single wheel trailers? Any pulling or tendency to follow the ruts in the highway? Thanks for the help guys I appreciate it. Sounds like a dual setup is the way to go.
Both seem to track good unless very over-loaded. In that case I would give the edge to the dual setup
I own a triple single, rated at 24K, it's 20' of deck and 5' of dovetail. Two of the axles have brakes on it. On the front of the gooseneck, I have a slide in camper from a truck mounted on it, and on the back is where my blazer gets to ride. Overall loaded, this including water, family and firewood with blazer, it weighs in at 20,050 lbs. I love it, it tows with no problems. I did however add two shocks on each axle, Rancho 5000's it made a huge diffrence when both loaded and unloaded. The third axle is sort of a love hate thing, I love it when all the weight is on the trailer, it's hateful when you are making tight turns going slow. It awesome when cruzing down the road doing 85MPH, but when it's going slow, it does put some additional pressures on the turning. This is the only drawback other than, "IT'S TOO DAMN SMALL", I wish I would have bought a 35' gooseneck. Don't buy a small one, buy the biggest one you can afford!!!!! My truck pulls up anything and fast, with no problems. Rob