Hey guys. I just purchased the truck in my sig. and I was wondering what all of the intervals are for the different maintenance items on these trucks. Specifically, I am interested in the following items; Engine Oil & Filter Transmission Fluid Front and Rear Diff Fluid Fuel Filter I just want to have a complete, comprehensive list so that I can be organized about maintaining the vehicle. Thanks.
Minimal towing; maybe 4-6 times a year @ < 10k lbs. Mostly just around town (in LA traffic) and highway running empty.
Engine Oil & Filter: I change mine every 10K miles, with a oil filter replace & top off at 5K miles. Several guys I know real well run up to 30K miles changing the filter every 5K without any problems. Oil samples were taken to prove it. This is with Rotella 15w40 dino oil. Transmission Fluid: Assuming 6 speed manual. If your truck is a 2001.5 (rear) disc brakes. Change the fluid every 15k miles. If its an early 2001, repalce it every 10k miles. I would highly recommend running Lucas hub oil in it. Why? SOME of the early 2001 trans had problems. If you have one of these trans, they are almost impossible to get rebuilt. Your looking a new trans. Hopefully the trans shop will take your old one as a core. An updated flywheel and clutch with the new trans is required. Neighbor found this out the hard way, $6000 for new trans/clutch/flywheel. Front and Rear Diff Fluid: The truck probably still has reg dino gear oil in it. Change it at the 50K mark to synthetic. From there, not towing much, should last up to 100K without a problem. Just check it once a year. Fuel Filter: I usualy replace mine once a year, 15K miles, or when the fuel pressure (fuel pressure guage in the truck) starts to drop on hard pulls. I always have a spare filter under the seat. I have more than once had bad fuel and clogged the filter a few miles from the gas station. *This is just my opinion from owing diesel trucks and putting several hundred thousand miles on them. Good Luck and enjoy!