The move to a TrailAir air ride 5er hitch was a great thing but I still got a small amount of chucking. I have added a second shock and it is doing great on some roads. Notice the bent bolts after heavy use.
I must be a little slow but what is "chucking". You may have already said it but I could not find it. Sorry. Man, that is some set up! LT.
Some folks call it chucking or porpoising. The RV and truck setup a resonance of moving forward and backward in a very quick motion. Some highways increase this movement. I have seen it throw one of our dogs almost to the floor with a previous RV & truck.
Hmmmm... good to know. I guess that I have not run into this yet. But, I can see how this might would work. LT.
We just finished 6000 trip thru southern Nebraska to Estes Park, down to Gunnison to Moab, to Painted desert and to Kansas, KY and home. We hit roads that the double shock TrailAir did not give us results we would like to have. Still looking. CumminZ