I got this hitch (from an 82? 3/4 ton burb) for my 90 3/4 ton suburban but don't know the rating for it. I need to replace the stock one because it was almost ripped out because my burb was towing another burb on a trailer, crashed, and the stock hitch almost got yanked off. But actually held up pretty well but I don't trust to use it again. The only reason I don't replace it with a same stock one is that it's rated at 4000/9500 with WD and I'm not using a WD system. So my logic is that this one may be different/stronger (my logic being) because it bolts on with 6 not 4 bolts like the stock one. So I was wondering can anyone possibly ID this one, or suggest to use a stock one from another 3/4 ton burb because actually I'm impressed that it did'nt get yanked off and it does look a little beefier. What I'm planning on towing is my jeep (3700lbs) on a light trailer of which I don't know its weight. Thanx. BTW, Hi, I'm Paul, a new guy. Pics of hitch. Trailer I plan on towing.
looks like more than enough hitch to me. if i was to guess, i would say thats a standard 600 tongue/ 6000 tow. its probably a class 3 or 4. in my opinion, if you bolt it down with good grade 8 bolts you will have more than enough hitch to pull your load.
am i reading this right and the hitch pictured is from an early 80's vehicle? that thing is cleaner that the my '05. damn minnesota salt.
So I'm attempting to put the hitch on my suburban and it seems theres no room to get the nuts off or back on without lowering the gas tank. How far can I drop the tank without having to start disconnecting stuff ?(90 Burb) . Seems like I only need 8-10".
Usually you can just loosen the tank straps. Should have enough slack on the lines without having to disconnect them.
I just dropped my tank on my 90 Blazer (same basic tank) and you can drop it low enough to reach the bolts. If you can I would suggest lowering one side alot more than the other. Just tilt it to one side loosen your bolts and then lower the other side.