Anyone familiar with the Curt brand brake controllers? I recently got an '09 MegaCab and as part of the deal, I got the controller installed. Not sure of the model or part #, but it seems to be very similar to the '95 model Tekonsha installed on my '95 Ram 3500. As soon as I get the opportunity, I'm sure I'll be going to the Prodigy. Thanks
I'm not familiar with them but as long as you already have it, why not try it out and see if it works for you?
Yeah, I'm sure it will do the job. Funny thing... I've got a little over 3k miles on the truck at this point and have only towed an empty 16 ft. flatbed trailer once. I don't really like that Tekonsha because it seems like I have to adjust its sensitivity every time I start the truck up.