Hmmm well I "will be" towing this: With this: Now I just need a trailer to put it all togetherwaytogo
I got a better picture of the setup. Now all I need is a slide-in camper and a Cummins in place of that small block gasser rotfl
Hauling some strongman gear... I also pull another trailer behind this and total weight of 33,000 pounds. I haul other diesels to build up projects and strongman gear to competitions. Scotty
If you upload pics in the gallery it will auto resize them for you. waytogo
still didnt work quite right. How do I get the pictures from the gallery into my threads?? Sorry to be a pain. Im not to computer literate
Find your pic in the gallery, then right click on it and select view image, this will display your photo outside of the gallery software, then simply copy the address that is in the address bar. Then while creating a post select the Insert Image icon () and paste the image address in the pop up box.
1959 Airstream Caravanner. In the middle of a frame off restoration. Should be traveling around by end of the summer.
OK I finally got the posting of the pictures thing figured out. Here is the Tow Rig And here is the Toy, my 90' Jeep XJ 4x4 These pictures were taken last October on the John Bull Trail in Big Bear (So-Cal) Now I just need to get myself and the Jeep back to California to be with the Truck, and all will be well with the world.
Here's mine all setup, ready to go, just before Tierra del sol event last march.. FOr the next TDS event, I should have a slide in camper, and my trailer should be finished..
well looks like im the only one (stupid enough )that has a full size jeep. ill be gettin a real towrig soon here. prob a PSD. anyways this was at the hammers last Nov. ----edit---- and for all the jeep haters, its got a FI454 in it, and k30 drivetrain. waytogo