I put my fuel pressure guage on last night using the line from Geno's Garage. When I went to start her after I was done she fired right up spuddered for a second and died. So I figure I got air in the lines and need to bleed them. It was late so I didn't start last night. Suggestions as to what else it could be and tips to bleed the lines would be appreciated. Thanks
Sounds like you just lost your prime. I don't know how to bleed it but you could cycle your lift pump a couple of time by turning the key on. I lost my prime when I changed my fuel filter. I couldn't get it to fire back up on it's own so I shot just a little either into the intake to get it running enough to pick up the fuel. Just make sure your "wait to start" grid heater cycles off before you shoot it with a little either.
That was the first thing I tried (several times) and unforturnatly it didn't work. I'm thinking I got to much air in the injection pump. Guess I'll find out when I get home today. Thanks
Did you try ether? On a side note...I thought our trucks had a factory port for a fuel pressure sensor?
From what I've read the do, so it's easy to test when you take it to the dealership. There is a schrader valve off the banjo bolt (I think that is what they're called) on the input to the injection pump. Geno's garage is where I got my gauges and the sell a fuel line with the fitings on both ends to go from the schrader valve to the guage. That is the best place to put them, so I've read anyway. I think there is a similar valve somewhere before the fuel filter but I could be wrong.
Hmmm. Well, if it still won't start I don't know whats left to do besides bleeding the lines, which I've never done and can't help there. I would think a little ether help would get it running.
I'm fixin to leave work now and go home and see what happens. It says you're not suppose to use ether on it but if that's just becouse of the grid heaters it's fine as long as they are off. thanks
No expert here but I've read dozens of times on another location to NEVER use ether with a diesel. Don't know the 'why'. Regarding losing prime - keep cycling the lift pump. Took me about 25 cycles to get my prime back. YMMV
Man has been spraying ether down diesel engines since they day they were invented. Maybe on a glow plug engine, that could cause a problem but without glow plugs it's fine. It's a bunch of hogwash, ether is fine.
I did get it to start. It just took a lot of cycling the pump. The only thing that concerns me now is that the guage isn't reading what I want. The first two times I drove it the pressure took a few minutes to come up and then did so very slowly but went all the way to 15. The last few times I drove her, the pressure would take a while for it to register and it wouldn't get much past 6. It also doesn't change when I get down on it. It should go down some but it doesn't. I'm thinking there is still air in the line to the sending unit but I'm not sure. I hope thats what it is. I did crack the fuel line going into the injection pump and fuel came out good and seemed to have signifigant pressure. The lift pump is only about 4 mo. old (replaced by previous owner) so I would like to think it is still good. Maybe I'll replace the fuel filter and see if that helps, I don't know if he replaced that or not. Thanks for the help.