Anyone dealt with Nebraska tire? My Nitto 325/70/16s are bald, and my wife just came in and told me we're broke, and as some of you know we're gonna have another mouth to feed Wednesday. Whoever owned my truck b4 me ordered it for towing i guess cuz it has 4.10 gears and it maxes out at 60mph with stock tires so I need some 315/75/16s. I don't tow much, and I've run assorted D tires without trouble (except for ruining some offroading-oops!). So anyways, I'm needing some blems or used or something inexpensive. I talked to Interco about some blem Truxus MTs (10ply), but haven't heard back from them twice...Ideas? Thanx!
You need to contact BFG. I'm rollin' 35-12.50-16.5 Blem AT's for $126.00ea on the wifes 90 GMC 1ton Sub. I know 16.5's are cheaper but it's worth a try. imp: Interesting, think i might try some....
Recaps are cool on the rear as long as the tire dose'nt get hot while pulling or loaded down. They are illegal on the front in every state.