Here it is! Kaufman trailer "Maximum" car hauler 10k GVWR, brakes on both axles treated deck 6" Channel frame 3" crossmembers on 16" centers 16" 6 lug wheels 2' dovetail 4 D-rings stake pockets and rub rail Flush mounted lights 7k drop leg jack 2 5/16" Bulldog hitch 83" wide 20' deck length including dovetail They put the spare mount too far back, other than that it's exactly what I ordered. waytogo
Yeah, they're supposed to be, I must have had a typo in the description. they're 5200 lb axles, 6 lug is the norm on them. Happy with it so far, it looks nice in front of the house. rotfl
I have a bulldog hitch on my trailer... I hate the thing. It's a pin in the ass to couple together. I ALWAYS pinch my hand somehow on the thing. Sometimes it takes a 2 hands to slide the sleeve back and pry out the thing on the side. 1 hand and a screwdriver. Bah. rotfl
Shaggy, Very nice trailer!!!! waytogo waytogo I like it alot. If I was to own a tagalong, I would have one just like yours. Congradulations, and welcome to the towing club!! waytogo Rob
Does yours have the lever to move the collar back and forth? I've used the ones without the lever and they were kind of a pain, but with the little lever it's not so bad. They don't rattle as much, that's the main reason I wanted it.
YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Sweet trailer bro. My Bulldog has the lever also and it is very easy to use. The first couple times I moved it the powdercoat was makin it stiff to slidde but now that it is broke in works great and super easy. Joe add some lube to it and kick it with yer foot :doah: rotfl Congrats Shagg! imp: PS My 10K has 6lug also and the tires are FREAKIN HUGE like 32"ers. Tows like a dream so no worries imp:
i hated the one i had as well. what a PITA!! BUT, i found a trick way to do it.... to hitch it up, lower it onto the ball, then just kick the coupler and it should spring into place. to un hook it its easiest to have NO load on the tounge, neutral load is best. so... remove the pin from your receiver hitch, take all the weight off it, pull FWD then un hook the ball from the trailer. kinda a PITA but it was always faster than removing it the "normal way" just be sure to chock the trailer and make sure you are on a solid jacking surface. on a side note, i LOVE my Kaufman GN. thing ROCKS!! Grant
*sigh* That poor Chevy. The sheer embarassment of being towed by a Ford my very well cause it to commit hari-kari at Hollister so as not to endure the indignity of the tow back home. :stir: Seriously, I'm looking forward to this weekend! waytogo
I got 3 12 foot 2x10s and cut them to shape to support the truck so I don't smoosh the fenders, since the track on the truck is 4 inches wider than the deck. There's a 4x4 screwed to the inner 2x10 as well to help keep them stable. Worked like a champ for now, but I am going to do something a bit more permanant and less obvious when I get some time. waytogo