I was all set for a dovetail, but a flatbed would be nice for not dragging the butt end at some trail heads, plus do we really need them when we are towing trucks with 40-42" tires anyway?
None of the guys I run trails with have a dovetail, for whatever that's worth. We're all running 36" or bigger tires. Most of us don't even use the ramps.
If you need ramps to get on the trailer, you are either broke, or should not be rock crawling.... :doah: I can't remember the last time I had my ramps out... Oh yeah, it was when I broke my trans in two and I used them to make it easier on the winch...
i got a dove with fold flat ramps and pop up center... net really something wanted on a TAG... but fine on the GN. adds a bit of weight to the trailer though. i got the ramps more because i wont always be using the trailer with the blazer only. i got fold flat because i may need 30 feet of flat deck for some of the cargo i plan on hauling.... also some of the gargo i will be hauling will need the 14 foot ramps due to ground clearance issues. would i get a dove if i was buying a trailer in GN or TAG if i was hauling MAINLY or ONLY the blazer (on 42's)... ? i think i would have gotten a straight deck. some 7 foot ramps would be plenty if broken down for a winch and most rides can crest a the deck with a 7 foot ramp. grant
I got the dovetail since it costs the same and will make it easier to load normal cars. I plan on having the trailer for a long time and you never know what the future holds, might as well try to be ready for anything.
My 20' is a flat deck. I considered a dovetail but I bought this trailer to haul a 150" wheelbase dragster. With the 4 ft racebox on the front the back wheels of the car would have been on the dovetail and the middle of the frame would have been about an inch off the trailer.
Tilt Deck also something to consider would be a tilt deck... with a good winch, a locking tilt deck and a good set of ramps you could load anything onto the trailer with ease. just a third option.... Grant
It just depends on what you are hauling. My trailer used to be a flatbed but Using 14' long 4" thick oak planks (between 200-300lbs each) as ramps to load our backhoe on was not my idea of fun. With a 2' drop in the back I shrunk to only needing 8' ramps which I am designing to telescope and fold up. But when I load my trail rig I won't even need the ramps. Just depends on what ya want to do with it.