The truck came with a 4-wire harness that connects on the controller, and i can't find where at to plug this thing in at under the dash? The instructions say that it's up under, to the left of the steering column, but I can't find it. :doah: Pics would be worth thousands of words Thanks
Mine was pushed way up under the dash in my old Dodge. More-or-less on *top* of the collumn IIRC. Shouldn't be too hard to find though.
If you follow the kick panel(drivers side) up under the dash you will see it. It is behind the e-brake. Hope this helps. MG
Mine is above the steering columb, but mine is a different truck so it might be in a different spot. Regardless, it should be blue.
Delayed response, but FOUND IT! Thanks for your help - it was right where you said it would be. I had to contort myself and lay with my head on the brake pedal to see it but there it was. Thanks! -Mike