They tell me the new ride is in D1 status and DC has an order/build confirmation date of July 22. How long did it take you to get your truck after you ordered it?
Bet it won't take as long as it took TIMMAY's to get there. :doah: opcorn: :stir: :stir: rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl
When I placed my order it was Oct. 4th than DC started the build on Nov. 28th and gave a completion build date on Dec. 5th and it took until Jan. 8th to get delivered to my dealer. At just over three months I was on the Sales Manager's butt the whole month of December to find out the status of my order - I told them if U.P.S. could locate a three pound package, worth $35.00, at one of thier terminals than DC could locate a 7,000lbs. truck worth $35,000 as it being tranported from the plant to my dealer. Anyway , my order took just over three months . Tom
I hope that the fact not a lot of dealers have ordered 06's yet because they have so many 05's still on the lot, and the fact that everyone thinks the 06's are uggly maybe I will get mine a little early. waytogo
It might help to verify that your dealer did in fact put your name on the order sheet so that DC does not think it is a dealer alocation(sp) and put it on the back burner while they fullfill special orders first . I don't know if DC still does this but when I got my truck the window sticker comes with the customers name on it stating this is a special order vehicle. Tom
I initially ordered my 06 back in late May or early June. I was told 2 weeks ago that the truck was done and in storage with other ordered trucks. Said they couldn't be relleased until they had enough to release to the public or something crazy like that