I am averaging about 14 in the city and 15 on the highway. I only have 3200 miles on the Cummins with a 4 speed and 3.73 gears. Will my numbers get better in stock form or do I need a chip to get some higher MPG's?
You will get better especially with your gears by the time you hit about 5k-10k miles. Should get up to 17-18 at least around town, thats what I get with 4.10's. Highway the most I ever got in a straight shot empty was 20.something. But thats with 4.10's at 70mph so my rpm's are up there. Towing lowest I have got is 11 something and highest was about 15 with straight shot 55mph.
Yeah, you should go up considerably when that engine and running gear break in. I would think around 20 on the highway and 15+ in town. I get about 20-21mpg at 70mph and about 15.5 in town. My dad is getting a whopping 13-14 around town and 16 on the highway. I don't know if it's because of the dually, 6 spd, or H.O. programming but one way or another it needs to go up. He bought a diesel purely for better mileage. I was about to make a thread myself about getting better mileage (for my dad). opcorn:
I put a silverline exhaust on my 05 and gained about 1.5 mpg in city and 3 on highway and another 2 w/ the edge juice. i have about 30k on it
11-14mpg no matter what. Towing or not. If I could keep my foot off the floor it would prolly be better... Hard to do with a straight piped 12v. Can't get enough of that sound.
My '01 gets just a tick over 19 mix of city and highway (30/70) and just got back from a long vacation trip and got 22 (10/90). Same mileage no matter if I'm on it or towing or driving it light...............
21 MPG empty and 16-17 MPG pulling just under 9,000 lbs. in the hills of Tennesee and 70MPH plus ,with 4.10's, when on flat ground. It might get better if I could keep my foot off the skinny pedal ???? Tom
After the in tank fuel pump update, and teh ECM reflash, im getitng about 16mpg in town, driving up and down the san bernardino mountain roads every day, hand calculated, and I get about 19-21 on the hwy, at 70-72 mph. Scott
Mpg My o3 DRW 4WD Auto with edge ez, filter, and 4in. banks exhaust will get 17 to 18 ay 67-68. Two lanes (slower speeds) will on sometimes hit 20. Depends a lot on the wind. Loaded has been from 9.3 worst to 17 pulling a wrapped up lil bass tracker boat and motor. Fuel quailty seem to make a big difference with the 3rd gen. My good old 93 would get the same milage with a dirty air filter and water and rust soaked lil fuel filter as it would with all new filters!!!
can get around 20 if I take it easy. usually around 18 and about 15 with 7000- 8000 and wind drag on the front of the trailer
I tend to get around 20-21 on mostly back roads and/or expressways assuming I don't hammer the throttle away from stopsigns, and keep top speed at or below 70. I avoid cities like the plague, so I can't even begin to figure out what my city mileage is, although I'm betting it depends on greatly on how well I time the lights so I don't have to stop each time, and if I still accelerate fairly slowly when I do need to stop. I get frustrated by all the idiots found in cities, so it's tempting to just let the black smoke fly, which obviously hurts fuel mileage.
When I got our 2006, in Dec. in Kellogg, Ida., I got about 15-17 mpg on the way back to Reno. I now have 7200 mi. on the odometer, took a trip down to Chico, Cal. and back to Reno following the Feather River road, which has a lot of turns and slowing down and such. I got a calculated mpg of 20.92, almost 21 mpg. Don't use the overhead computer to figure your mileage or you'll have a misreading everytime! I had a small load on at the time I was coming back, so I was real pleased with the mileage. I figure by the time I have 10k or 15k on the truck it'll be getting easy 21 mpg. As per your original quote you say you have 3.73 gears and that's the same as mine, so you should be able to get the same Good luck, stanmar
What kind of mpgs are you pullin' ?? I have a 110+ mile a day commute and bought the Cummins for the the long drives and towing my 11200 lb 5er. My '03 305/555 HO 6 spd 3.73 will average 22+ on this daily commute. The last 3450 mile trip through OK/KS/NM/CO/UT/WY we averaged 12+ mpgs towing. I don't have any cities to drive in. All pencil figures although this truck overhead puter is always less mpgs than the pencil.......JIM
My truck is getting a pretty easy 18MPG, even with the G56 which revs a little more than an auto with 3.73's. I shift is pretty easily but usually cruise around 65-70mph. I am pretty happy also, since the truck is under 10K miles (8400) and it drives and pulls like a champ. Scotty
19 to 20 on the highway IF i am nice to it.... 18 in the city. 12 pulling the trailer. all of this will go up a bit when i get my new tires/rims on it. also towing will go up a bit once i put the air damn on the front of the trailer... its a bit of a brick trying to go 65 right now.
15 city, 18 highway. Totally stock. Average since day one, 15.59 mpg. 28k and still waiting for the much hyped mpg increase. At most there has been a marginal improvement, but less than 1 mpg. Nothing to get all excited about. All in all, not bad mileage for such a heavy truck.
i have the exact same truck that you have... i average between 16 and 17.5 average depending on how much i drive on the freeway... on a roadtrip coming back from texas i averaged 19 doing 70 (pretty much all highway)... in reality, i have never actually gotten above 20mpg's even on the freeway so don't let all the crazy high mileage claims fool you. i know that my little computer calculates that i get like 22-23 if i do 60 on the freeway but when i actually calculate the mileage, it still ends up averaging out around 16 or 17. so im pretty sure the thing isn't accurate haha. but still 16-17 is pretty good for a 6500 lb. truck waytogo