With diesel prices at about $3.15/gal :doah: I figured now was as good a time as any to ask. I am only getting about 11-14mpgs in mixed driving. This seems low to me. I realize that I have 4.10s and I dont expect to see 20+mpg but 16-17 would be nice. What can I do to help bump it up. I want to change over to 315s on H2 rims to knock down the RPMs (do you think they will fit?? a little rubbing is OK) but what else will help? thanks waytogo
Me too. I'm driving like a 90 year old man with a broken right leg and am only averaging 13.5 mostly city... 15.2 highway according to the overhead. Hand calculates out within 0.5+/- Granted I have a lot of break-in left to do and I've got the 610, but still, I would hav expected 2mpg or so more than that.
Well it sounds like your driving sensibly, how about air in air out? The intake and exhaust on most factory vehicles are pretty bad, have you changed them yet? Also some of the electronic boxes out there have been known to enhance fuel mileage as long as the owner can control the right foot
Well you should see some steady improvement and I would say after 20,000 or so you should be better than you are now. That mileage seems about par with what my sons '05 is doing, he's around 5,000 mi. I also helped him change his muffler out this weekend and after looking at the OEM unit I would say it was very restricted. He put on a straight through muffler, which sounds about the same to me until you start using the power. He said it pulls a lot better now, time will tell if it helped the fuel mileage any, however with the fuel prices as they are every little bit helps
my wheel wells are a lot larger than yours and i rub a tiny bit with 315's. granted my dodge is 2wd, but we are both ifs. i have yet to calibrate my spedo as they wat 74 dollars to do it... i think ill just take the ODO gains and leave it slower than it is. anywho, so far i haev not seen a gain or loss in mileage. in any kind of driving. my cummins gets about 16 to 20 depending on HOW i drive. i have a 6 speed, so its a fun ride. i would say a gearvendors overdrive would net the best for ya... with prices the way they are it would take less time to pay it off and the added towing ease would be worth it as well. if you could find a talled but more highway friendly tire you would be better off. 19.5's in a 34inchish tire.. about the same weight if you get AL rims as what ya have now, taller, last longer, load better and put less tire drag on the road. costly though. grant
I have 25K miles on my 05 already and if I drive like a grandpa I can get 19.5 mpg waytogo I use Stanadyne in every tankfull, duno if that has anything to do with it but it's cheap insurance and keeps my injectors clean waytogo
I averaged 19.6 on a 2000 mile trip to Oregon and back a month ago. That was with about 200 miles of city driving, the rest highway. Maybe you guys just need to get some Chevys?
I'm getting between 18.5 and 21 on my '01 mix of around town and highway - 315 tires with 3.54 gears - no matter how I drive it. That's either towing up the mountain loaded with a tent trailer/bikes/canoes/4 people and all our related junk, etc or empty. waytogo
Sounds about right to me..... He's got an EZ, 4" exhaust, air filter upgrade, and bigger tires. That should gain at least 2-3mph over stock and he is getting about 2.5mpg better than my stock CTD. Now pulling hills loaded...I would think it would drop some, maybe not though.
Why does that sound unreasonable? Most all of the older 12 and 24V get this kind of mileage easily. Going to Sunriver (Central Oregon by Bend, going over Mt. Hood) I got 21+ (not towing but loaded with family/bikes/'stuff'). I hand calculate every tank and have since I bought the truck a year ago and calculate for the tire size difference vs stock, etc. Hey, you're just jealous................. opcorn: rotfl
Fill your tires to the max on sidewall. NO idling unless absolutely necessary! Get towing heavy to break in engine sooner. Larger tires will usually increase rolling resistance and won't help mpg. See PDF link in Dodge towing section from Cummins.