Straight piped it today Had the muffler shop remove the cat and muffler and weld in a straight pipe. Much louder on the outside...sounds the same on the inside ( waytogo ) Turbo is much happier (read: louder) Im not too crazy about the sond on the outside. Maybe Ill pick up a $40 Flowmaster off of E-Bay. Oh well Im happy for now!!!!
I left my 4 cats in, yes 4 of them (factory) and installed a Vortex muffler and side exit stinless dual tips on my 2001 supercab shortbox 4X4 F150. Sounds waaaaaaaaaay better deep growl. I did have it staight piped with the cats (waiting for muffler)and thought it barked/rapped too much Rob/HBT :wave:
Yeah. It feels a bit stronger. The turbo also spools up faster too. I think that the BHAF helps too. Mine kind of has that rapp as well. Its not horrible... but im picky. Ill give it a week or too and see how I get used to it.
Not to bring down your thread, but I never have been to fond of strait piped V8 diesels, just doesn't sound right to me. Although, I have heard one strait piped Dmax and it didn't sound nearly as bad as the PSD.
IMO straight piping is the biggest bang for the buck. I did mine the day after I bought it... then lifted it 75 hours after buying too (darn shipping)
I know what you mean about the sound. I didn't really like it at first, but hardly notice it now. BTW, I would hang on to your old parts, as CO emmisions require a cat.
Oh good advice. I will swing by the muff shop tomarrow and see if they still have it If not I may need to get one off of E-Bay like I did for the Jeep. High flow for $45 shipped waytogo Does anyone know if diesel engines require a special cat, or just a plain ol one??
I know that I love the straight pipe sound on my truck, but trust me, what you don't think you hear now, you will begin to hear after a couple weeks.. I thought it wasn't any louder than the stock muffler when I first put it on, then about a week later, I realized just how loud it was.. But that doesn't mean I don't like it Scott
if they require a visual just take your old stuff, cut in half and gut out then weld around your straight pipe. It gets louders when the exhaust goes from the factory 3" to the fact 4" just above the rear end then you put a 5" tip on the last foot of the system. Like a megaphone.
Probably a personal preference thing, but I bought my 01 last year with the 'muffler delete' option...............drove it for 9 months and hated it. Too obnoxious even under part throttle.............put a Magnaflow straight through muffler on it - no loss of power and a nice tone. waytogo
In Denver and most of the Front Range, diesels get the dyno test and visual, just like gas engines. Just another reason I like living in an area that not only doesn't test gassers, but a muffler isn't required.
Not in Colorado. I moved here a week after removing my cat just to find out it has to pass a visual inspection. I run straight exhaust on both my 96 stroke and my 05 cummins and last month when I had the stroke tested the kid didn't even do a visual. I do keep all my old stuff though, just in case. The "smog" test here is to see how much laser light can pass through the black smoke at full load right at the end of the tailpipe.
we dont have emmisions at all around me and wont for a long time till the stupid yuppies start moving out into the country. Flippin yuppies should learn to stay put in the city waytogo
How do you get that??? I am moving to Castle Rock as we speak (im in a hotel in Grand Junction right now)
The Dealer put it on there before I took delivery, maybe there is a visual the next time the plates are due. :dunno: