I am probably going to pick up a 12V cummins soon with a manual and I am wondering how far I can mod it and still have the stock clutch survive. The only things I am planning on running is a #10 or 11 plate and maybe intake and exhaust. I will also do gauges. Is there any other little mods I should do to a 12v? Governor Spring, etc? I know about the Killer Dowel Pin. I am not going to be putting alot of mods on the truck, I just want it to pull a little better in the mountains.
Maybe a set of injectors... That would help a lot. I don't think you will have enough power to really slip the clutch with just a fuel plate. I looked at a '98 12v with the NV4500 and it had the pump turned up, injectors, exhuast, intake. He said it was aroudn 300HP and 600ft lbs. He had to eventually replace the clutch. I almost bought it...until I relized a 24v was what I definantly wanted.....[wink wink]
Definately get the Gov. spring kit. It makes a huge difference in the way the truck drives. And it compliments the other mods like a #10 plate very well. If that plate is slid forward much, you better start saving for a new clutch.
Basically I need to know what mods I can do and still have the stock clutch hold. What your saying is a #10 plate slid forward and the gov. springs can kill a stock clutch. I want to do some cheap mods that won't send EGT's to high because I plan to tow with the truck and I don't want to kill the clutch. What can/should I do. My plans were an intake kit, #10 or #11 plate, gov springs, maybe timing. Will I be ok with that? Any suggestions on setup? Thanks Harley
Ive heard of stock clutches slipping with a #10 plate slid forward. In the stock position Im honestly not sure what will happen. As for your intake kit, have you looked into the BHAF that most guys run? Its fairly cheap, simple, and flows alot of air which will really help those EGTs. TST or Piers would definitely know what the stock clutch will take.
I can slip my clutch with a #100 plate in the stock location with stock injectors and all. I am also pulling bigger tires (35s) so might not help either.
I've got a 96 12 valve with the five speed. It has a straight pipe that dumps down to the ground just behind the cab. I have a BHAF and the #10 plate slid alitle back from stock. My truck has the stock clutch with 128,000 miles on it. when I first installed it It felt like the clutch was slipping some between 3rd and 4th. After about a month or so it seems like it doesn't slip any more. Even when I romp through the gears pulling my freinds 28' enclosed trailer. I will hopfully get a new governer spring soon but for now it is doing just fine.
A 215 pumped 12v (96-98 5 spds) with a #10 has the potential to make over 300 hp with just the #10.....A #10 too far forward on a 215 pump WILL fry the stock clutch quickly (300+ hp = 725+ ft/lbs on this engine!)......keep the plate pulled back some until you have enough loot for a good clutch.