considering the current fuel prices (especially in so. cal.), i believe that this is a relevant question for those who are trying to decide which brand to buy... everyone post what kind of mileage you are getting with your truck. in order to keep things consistent, estimate your mileage with an empty truck, going 65, on a flat road. my dodge gets about 19-22 realistically.
ya my truck has the little milage computer thing mounted by the rearview mirror which says i get about 22 mpg in those conditions... however, when i actually figured it out i was actually getting about 20 so im not sure how exact those things are
19.7 average both ways, 1600 miles total from Modesto to Seaside, Oregon. About 1300 miles highway at 70-75, and the rest city. Not too shabbt considering you go through Trinity up to 5k feet or so each way. Marc
I got 16mpg in my 6.5 driving from L.A. to the bay area up the 101 with the cruise set at 70mph (350miles one way) I got 14.5mpg :doah: driving the truck home from phoenix going 80. 4.10s suck for gas mileage. I have discovered that if I had 3.73s the 16mpg would be about 18 and with 3.42s it would be about 21.
My 05 D-max gets between 18-20mpg, to keep it up closer to 20 I drive like grandpa Jed goin to get another 12er waytogo nice and easy imp:
Actually, I've found my trip computer to be very accurate. The biggest difference "it's" come up with and me doing it on a calculater was .6 of a mile. Not bad IMHO.
I'd think 3.42's would be a little high for a 6.5??.. The Dodges use 3.55's and I don't think I'd want much more gear then that, thats fairly tall when pulling a trailer. Plus, isn't the powerband of a 6.5 fairly high for a diesel?
yeah its way high. The 3.42s are for guys who spend alot of time on the freeway and little time towing. I think the owners manual says to only tow 5500lbs with the 3.42s I have the 4.10s and have towed about 10000lbs with my truck once and it was a peice of cake. So I guess its a trade off...milage or power....Power for me please!!! waytogo
I get about 10-12 around town and 14 on the open highway with no trailer if I keep the RPM below 2500.
Yeah, thats kind of what I was thinking. I like my 3.55's a lot, just low enough for towing, and it is nice if I can't pull in OD and helps keep the RPM's down, but still keeps the rpms low on the freeway empty.
Mbryson has it good. My old 95 1 ton, 454, CC, LB, Chevy got 8 - 10 in town, 12 on highway, 6.5 towing 6500 lbs. My 04 Dmax does a lot better. 13.5 in town, 18 highway 12 towing the same 6500 lbs. I hear people wishing they got better mileage out of the diesel. Man, I am tickled pink with this mileage.
Wow, I turn roughly 1900rpm's at 70mph. I with I had a two speed rear end like the old bobtail trucks years and years ago. It would be nice to have both a 3.30ish and a 4.56 ratios in the same rear end.