Until today. Went to the local station before class this morning to fill up my K5, and paid $3.60 for diesel, a $.20 jump since yesterday. Regular unleaded has dropped to $2.68. Diesel is only $.08 away from being a full dollar more per gallon
It does suck the pricing. When I bought my Ram the expectation was twofold - I'd get much better fuel mileage (from 8 to almost 20 is what I got waytogo ) and that the price of fuel would be lower (as it has historically been). WRONG on that count. Still, if you calculate fuel cost for a 10 mpg K5 vs a 20 mpg Ram (both are real world numbers from my experience - I've owned 5 different K5's) for a 500 mile trip, the diesel still is much cheaper to operate. 500 miles @ 3.10 per gallon @ 20 mpg for my Ram 500 miles @ 2.50 per gallon @ 10 mpg for a K5 Diesel cost for fuel - $77.50 K5 cost for gasoline - $125
Funny thing for me it seams right after I bought my diesel the price started passing the price for 87gasoline. Eversence then diesel was no longer the cheepest fuel out there...sure wish it would go back below the rest again :doah: On the flipside diesel engines get better fuel millage than a V8 gasser so...it's a wash...buy the diesel waytogo
The price has more than doubled since i bought mine, i remember getting upset when i had to pay $1.59 two years ago, man what i would give for that again. And, it has officially past the $1 more mark by me. Last night in the city, it was $2.79 for regular unleaded and $3.79 for diesel. That was the highest i had seen it, until this morning. On my way to class i drove past where i used to get cheap fuel at. Unleaded was $2.63, diesel $3.81. Honestly, i think im just going to buy a gasser now. My towing duty's are nothing beyond what a 2wd 1/2 ton can handle, and i can easily knock down 20mpg with one of those, which is what im getting right now with the K5 but paying a crapload more for fuel.