Hi. Has anyone ever ran into the problem of trying to accelerate, but it wont go past a certan rpm? This happened to my dodge and it happened to be that the fuel pump was goin bad. It had to be taken to the dealership and put on the computers to find anything wrong. It would happen radomly when i was accelerating in 4th gear at about 1600 rpm.
Yes, it has happened to us, my dad's '02 H.O. You should be throwing a P0627 code which is a pump timing failure. You experienced "dead pedal" which usually goes hand in hand with that code. Low RPM's, you stomp on it to accelerate, and nothing.
The dead pedal could be many things......the most common of which are the 0216 internal timing failure DTC or the 1689 "no com link" DTC which is common when the VP44 ECU packs it in and quits talking to the ECM.....and the 0215 which is also a VP44 ECU gone bad. Other dead pedal issues can be attributed to a bad CKP (Crank Position sensor) or APPS related problems. Regardless of what the problem is, the truck will need to be scanned since there will most certainly be some DTC's stored that will help diagnose the specific problem. BTW, what the heck is an 0627? I have never heard of that DTC # and can't find a listing for that DTC under any manufacturer.
I am on IP # 4 with less than 100,000 miles on the clock and have had the dead pedal issue everytime. Your dealer is not doing its job if they say nothing is wrong - codes will be given if any of the dead pedal problems exist. Tom