HELP me, I'm really bumming guys! Long story.... I was driving down the road goin about 20ish go to take a corner slow down shift to second let the clutch out truck bogs and dies. I think not big deal maybe I hit 4th insted. Ty to restart nothing. Turn the key all the way off then back on what for the grid heater to do its thing cranks up, put it in revrse let the clutch out bogs and dies! At this point I'm like WTF! I've never killed this truck b4... So I get her started again and get he rolling down the street hit third give her some more pedal stumbles so I let off and creep it to my grandpas place block away. As I get to the curb it dies. So I get my smarty look for codes... NONE! So I program it back down to sw#2 and get her restarted rev it some watching th RP gauge 10k to 15k down to 5k then down to 3k back to 5k then 0 PSI dies... Wait alil bit restart it no RP then dies within 3 secs so I give up and walk home... I have the stock lift pump yet so maybe that it? I hope to god its not the cp3 or I screwed the cp3 up with no psi like that. Any ideas guys? Would the truck be able to restart and run for alil bit with no lift pump? I'm bummed out.......
i cant help you on that one, but some here will be able to answer or guide you. might just take to a good dodge cummins shop....
it's probably fuel based on that gauge reading... i know the VP-44 injection pump can run for quite a while with 0psi coming from the lift pump so your lift pump may have been dead for a while. take it to a shop and have them do a pressure test on your lift pump.
Sounds like a LP to me, however it will usually throw a 0628 code at you. Pull the filter and see if any fuel is in the canister. Mine went 161k before it quit... on the side of a very busy L.A. freeway !!!
Check lp pressure. You most likely have the stocker failing, and while the CP3 CAN operate without a lp, the stock LP is not the type you can suck fuel through. So, basically, when the LP fails, it blocks off the fuel line and you starve the pump. Test for pressure, I bet its low to none.