I am looking at an 03 QC DRW 6 speed HO with 96K. What do I need to be looking for? Consistent problems that is. I am coming over from the the Ford camp, and this will be my first Cummins, IF I make the purchase. But I need to know what to look for, be concerned about. A buddy of mine has one and has @ 70K on it now, with no problems so far. But I know these trucks HAVE to have consistent problems (they all do) Need some insight beofre I go look at this truck in the moring. So, a quick response would be GREATLY appreciated
The only consistent problem that I've heard of with these trucks is the unability of the new owners to remove the new found smiles off their faces.
Only (probable) major problem you might have would be the lift pump that supplies fuel to the high pressure CP3 pump. Granted there's other stuff that could fail, although it's uncommon.