any one ever tow with a pintlehook trailer before? what are the goods and bads about these trailers. i have a pintlehook on my daully and have never used itimp:
I have pulled one before, they tend to move around as you stop and then go due to the extra room around the ball so they make a little noise here and there but they are strong.
That is all I see the heavy equipment trucks that the utitlity companies use towing with... There towing huge trailers with pintles so I would think they would be plenty strong for a k5...
I think they are plenty strong and often rated for much more than a ball hitch, though it depends. And they offer a great deal more misalignment too. Main drawback is noise and "thunk" as it takes up slack.
A major reason alot of Utility companies use the pintle hitch setup has to do with flexibility as well. The pintle offers a ton of articulation between the truck and trailer, which is exactly what natural gas, power line and water line companies need when working in uneven terrain.
Yup. Chvyhs has his setup for his off road trailer, the hitch on the truck spins 360* to deal with any terrain. Seems really tight and he said it doesn't make much noise at all...
Ok if you're pulling with a 2 ton dump truck, not if you're pulling with a pickup. You cannot use a weight distributing hitch with a pintle type hook up. I wouldn't give up my WD for any hitch arrangement. Bulldog coupler for me.waytogo
I really dont think a WD setup is necessary with a pintle hitch setup even it it was possible. If you are using a 3/4 or 1ton truck and are even MARGINALLY within the recommended weight ratings, balancing the trailer should not be an issue. And the truck should handle just fine.
It's not the truck, it's the trailer hitch that I'd be most worried about. Only the strongest hitches have enough load rating weight carrying to handle the loads we often tow. My trailer only weighs 9,000 lbs, how big a dump truck you think is needed to pull it?