Before you accuse me of being a dumby, here me out. I was looking at my 1 and 1/2 month old cummins, and I've got atleast 4 radiators sandwiched in that engine compartment. Now..... they are.....I assume 1. Tranny cooler 2. A.C. radiator 3. engine radiator 4. intercooler Am I right? and if so.......if you're starting from the fan and working towards the grill, could you give the order of these coolers? My eyes are getting kind of dim and its hard for me to follow out where all the tubes connect in the engine compartment. My dodge has the 48RE automatic, trailer package..... Are the two batteries installed because the cranking/starting of the cummins requires a lot of electricity to turn the motor over because of it's high compression?
The order closest to the fan is the engine radiator, next is the intercooler, in front of that is the A/C condensor, and last is the small tranny cooler. Yes, diesels need two batteries because they require the amperage to turn over the much tighter engine. That and since it's a pickup designed for towing and everything, it will have duals to help with the electrical needs of the trailer. I've tried starting my truck on one battery, it wouldn't crank fast enough to start. THe duals provide lots of amperage and also lots of amperage on reserve.
That's one aspect of it. The other is that the batteries need enough reserve capacity to power the intake grid heater for cold weather starting. Rusty