This started last winter, but it's getting more noticeable this year. When the transmission is cold in the morning, when it's accelerating in 2nd gear, it lets out a loud 2-3 second whine and then quits. Once the temp starts to come up a bit (only for the first mile or so), it goes away completely. When it's REALLY cold, (below 10) it will do it slightly in 1st gear, but it's not nearly as noticeable as it is in 2nd. Any ideas? I've got 7 months of warranty left and wonder if I shouldn't have it looked at. Thanks, Mike
I would have it looked at by the dealer and have it on record in case something happens right after the warranty. Your probably going to have to leave it over night with them to reproduce the problem. Let us know what happens. *I like to put my truck in gear and wait a minute before moving it when its really cold. Gives it a chance for the fluids to get moving through the trans. JMHO
Yeah, have the dealer look at it. Also, a good habit is to start the truck in N. In N the fluid flows, just no pressure applied to any clutch packs.
I had a simular whine when cold, but it was the rear axle. I added one of the aftermarket larger capacity diff covers and changed the differential fluid. I haven't noticed it lately, but around the same time I installed the 5" exhaust and now I can't hear anything
I started starting the truck in neutral on cold days like Woods suggested, and kicking the idle up to 1200 for a minute or 2 before I leave, and I havn't had any issues since