i read in my only issue of Diesel Power Mag or maybe it was another diesel mag that this guy in redding cal had a 2001 ram that had a 6bt 12v motor , and the guy had a web site(not very good as far as i thought) anyway it was http://5150ram.com/ the article and the web page said he got 1237 horses and about 2400 ft pounds of torque out of that engine , i was wondering what parts he used to get that much horse power and torque. and it did mention something about beefin up the slush box too.. also i was wanting to do a tandom conversion wile i was at my project http://5150ram.com/ http://usa6x6.com but i dont want it to be a 6x6 i want it to be a 4x6 or even better yet a 2x2x2 or just plain ol 2 wheel drive for the most part and then have the tag axle have an air slpitter for those slippery days but usa6x6.com says it dont change the fuel econimy or some junk like that , idunno . anyway also i was hoping to get about 1500 horses out of a 6bt 12 valve cummins this particular project is or will be my 1977 gmc one ton crew cab dually .. i also wanted to add a 6 foot sleeper behind the crew cab and add 4 feet to the bed to make it a 12 foot box .. that will also give room for the tag axle as well ..... any ideas ???
I am good friends with the fella who helped Daniel Little get his 6x6 conversions off the ground. His name is Stan Prueitt and he also made a truck about like you were wanting. It was a 1996 Dodge extra cab with a custom made sleeper on the back of the cab. The truck was a four wheel drive before and he added a Chevy corprate 14 bolt rear axle to be the middle axle and then the stock Dana rear axle was the rear most axle. He did this to haul his 6x6 Dodge, what he calls a T-Rex. I will get in touch with him and see if I can give you his email address so that you may talk to him about your idea. If anyone would know about this conversion he would. LT.
I am no expert, but I think you will have a very hard time getting that kind of power out of that motor...
check the link @5150ram.com as far as 1500 horses , anything is possible !!!! technoligy is a wonderful thing
First, why 1500 hp? Do you just want it or are you planning do do something with it? Second, this is no small feat. There is a SUBSTANTIAL amount of time, money and work, to do to get to that point. You are looking at a ton of machine work, pump work, special injectors, tuning, and getting everything else reliable. Is it possible? Yes. Is it feasible? You need to do more research and look very deep into your budget to decide if this is a direction you want to go.
you kidding? anythings possible with a 12v!! But who really wants to put that much money and time into it. 700HP is easy and nice.
I talked to my friend and he said that USA 6X6 is out of buisness. But, he did tell me that I was right, he used a corp 14 Bolt full floater for the middle axle. The 14 bolt was left in the stock configuration except for the addition of a top loader conversion that allowed for a output that was located by the front pinion bolts on the 14 bolt. This allowed for the middle axle to have an output to the rear most axle which was the stock Dana. He then used dually wheels for a tandem dually rig. It supported 10 tires. There are pictures of in on http://dodgeram.org/rides/12/T-Rex/10x10.html Let me know if you have any more questions about the conversion. LT.